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Jul 8th 2021
#ShillsRUs carrying on about #SandyHook WHAT SHOULD PISS YOU OFF is court use to #DefraudAmerica & #Fact #BadMovie #Graphics Initiated as FDA began to approve generic psych drugs. Pretext to get more psych evals on kids so could drug 'em for profit. Images existed before event! ImageImageImageImage
If you cannot tell the difference between a media created illusion & reality, you have work to do. It is a high tech world; anything can be faked. You have been to the movie theater. Multibillion $ news industry no different #SandyHook #CreatEDCharacters
That filet minion cartoon tells the criminals how much of the population incapable of logic. The disinfo shills use sour cream & chives. You are capable of thought beyond the level of a baked potato. STOP letting criminals make you look stupid. #SandyHook
Read 24 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
Our daily #BS not in real time.
Create Date
2021:01:06 13:00:19.986-05:00
Date/Time Original
2021:01:05 12:00:19.986-05:00
Editor's Date/Time Original indicates fraudulent metadata.
#Graphic as per usual, #MediaMagic #ShowTimeForSheep

The fine tuned with 3 star rating to #DefraudAmerica version
FULL Metadata >
So, again, we need to #DefundTheGovernment It is a #PhonyGovernment & #MediaCabal needs brought to justice. They are NOT ACTORS they are #Graphics including #Convirus #TaskForce…

#PonderThis Why do people fall for pre-planted distractions? LOOK> How many that fall for this #BS are actually on the #Distraction promotion team?
"US CAPITOL LOCKDOWN" is a documented #WiresProject
Read 12 tweets

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