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Feb 2nd 2023
Who really beat the #Nazis?

75–80% of casualties the Wehrmacht happened against the #RedArmy
The EASTERN front saw 4 of the 5 BIGGEST battles in the entire HUMAN history:

1. Siege of Leningrad
2. Battle of Stalingrad
3. Siege of Baghdad*
4. Battle of Berlin
5. Battle of Kiev Image
One example:
In Kursk, the #RedArmy defeated a #Nazi force of almost 1 MILLION men, 2,928 tanks and 2,110 aircraft

D-Day was a MINOR operation by comparison:
In Normandy, the Allies only faced 50,000 Axis men, including reservists and teenagers, with NO tanks and NO aircraft ImageImage
WHY there were only 50,000 #Nazis in Normandy?
Why even reservists and teenagers were fighting the allies?
Because by 1944, the war was ALREADY OVER, the best of the best of the REMAINING #Nazi army was in Russia, TRYING to stop the operation #Bagration of the #RedArmy Image
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