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Mar 12th 2020
#BernieIsAFraud A money laundering FRAUD, takes micropayments in Rials & Rubles via UAE digital laundromat. A multimillionaire w 3 houses, paid $600,000 cash 4 one, classic $$ laundering tactic, a US Senator @SenSanders IS THE ESTABLISHMENT @TheDemocrats #BernieIsARussianAsset
Since #BernieSanders has not suspended his campaign, he DOES NOT get to ask questions of @JoeBiden #Bernie is the guy who has questions to ANSWER, starting with his campaign finances. Secondly, #Bernie needs to give some PLANS & COSTS for his ideas, NOT JUST SLOGANS! @JenGranholm
Questions #BernieIsARussianAsset MUST answer: 1. Explain 510 p FEC campaign finance violations letter, incl foreign donations. 2. Thousands of $27 donations fr 1 DC zip code 3. Outline a PLAN & COST breakdown for health care plan. 4. Ditto for climate plan. 5. How to PAY 4 each.
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