Dr Sheryl D Baldwin Profile picture
Jade Research is a small woman owned tech business helping tech companies,develop, fund, manage,commercialize products. STEM Ed,Technology, SBIR STTR.
Nov 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
YEAR 1 What @JoeBiden @VP @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems did for America
Here are a few highlights from each year (even with a stonewalling and recalcitrant House of Representatives the past two years):
Highlights from Year One-
(1) Historic Stimulus Bill passed
(2) Ended the war in Afghanistan
(3) Reduction of poverty levels by 45%
(4) Reduction of child poverty levels by 61% within the first 6 months
(5) Passed largest infrastructure bill in history
(6) The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden and Harris took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history. @maddow @ErinBurnett Highlights from Year Two-
(1) CHIPS Act to protect American supply of semi-conductor chips
(2) $62 billion worth of health care subsidies under the ACA (Obamacare), including capping insulin at $35
(3) Legislation allowing Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation
(4) First major gun legislation in 30 years
(5) Violent crime drops significantly
(6) Unemployment at 50 year low
Oct 16, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
This should scare everyone & is why I think Polymarket - Thiel's child as well as Vance- is being used by Thiel's minions to surge phantom support for Trump via heavy Thiel funded crypto bets on a Trump win. Just to show you I'm not as nuts as MAGA @JamesCarville @BillClinton @MarkWarner
washingtonspectator.org/peter-thiel-an… 2/ J. D. Vance’s selection as Trump’s running mate suggests that Vance’s benefactor, Peter Thiel, is running the show, reprising an aborted effort to run the show from 2016. He seems to have learned from his mistakes. Thiel’s main hook into the first Trump administration was Steve Bannon, and their efforts were largely stymied by Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and other advisors; Bannon was ultimately forced out and left the administration after the deadly white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017.
Apr 22, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Let me defend @LevarStoney from the @CBS6 narcissistic rock musician pretending to be a journalist, without formal training to be one, so he is just a gossip, basically, trying to sew division in this city.
MayorStoney and Fan residents most certainly DID engage in extensive conference discussions about Monument Avenue via Zoom, telephone and email. I participated in most. Additional communications were via email, as #RVA does for other projects like Richmond300, new Bike Lanes and most other City Communications. I participated in almost all. People signed up or were on the regular City email distribution list. There were no large mass meetings for there was NO requirement to do so and during the #COVID pandemic were not permitted. Such meetings are also known NOT to be the way to manage projects and solve problems, but by involving smaller groups. I both managed large projects and taught project management for decades. Small working groups solve problems. Not large undisciplined unfocused crowds. No organization operates any other way.
But how would #TylerLayne know? His experience is as a rock and roll singer. Every organization has also been doing virtual meetings. 1/ #RVA #RVAMayor @CBS6 @8NEWS @NBC12 @RTDCulture 2/ Suggestions from a VCU Art prof for an avant-garde abstract sculpture were rejected as completely unsuitable for a Victorian era residential community where there are 6 churches, a synagogue, Orchard House School for girls, a preK-1st grade day school, senior day care, and a senior residence building along 1-2 blocks. Monument Avenue IS and always has been a residential community in the Fan.
@8NEWS @NBC12OYS @RTDCulture @CBS6 #RVAMayor
Apr 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
@VAHouseDems @DonScott757 @ssurovell @VASenateDems I know as much about the pharmaceutical industry as anyone not currently in senior management in a bio-pharma company, and for 10 years taught these business issues in a graduate course for bio/medical grad & professional students, except for determining what the #costs should be. Those costs are best determined by individuals with a PhD in a complex field, PharmacoEconomics. @vademocrats 2. I do not presume to know how to price drugs or especially medical devices, which generally are most expensive and often get special exemptions. Generally, the costs consumers pay are determined by the PBMs, #PharmacyBenefitsManagers, the Middle Men who set reimbursements for pharmacies. Most small-medium biopharma companies consider them the culprits in very high drug costs. @VAHouseDems @VASenateDems @vahousegop @VASenateGOP @vademocrats @VA_GOP
Feb 21, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Are U kidding @RepJamesComer Gomer? Months ago I sent you ALL the details of publicly available #Facts & information, with references, about the whole phoney @JoeBiden #HunterBiden #Burisma so-called scandal. @SpeakerJohnson I don't think I copied you, since there's been such turnover in @HouseGOP. This time I will.
This #zombie #Burisma story and the #facts are well known & in the public domain. I will resend the entire thread so you ALL have this data once again. cc: @RepJeffries @SenSchumer @DNC @BidenHQ @jomalleydillon @MarkWarner @timkaine P1 #BurismaFacts #FactsMatter @JoeBiden @RepJamesComer @SpeakerJohnson @BidenHQ Original thread Courtesy @kurteichenwald @foxnewspolitics @NewsCentralCNN @NYTimesOpinion @andersoncooper @JustTheNews @ChrisCuomo @TheHillOpinion @DavidMuir @NancyMace Image
Sep 14, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Hey @NewsCentralCNN @jimsciutto STOP YOUR SNOTTY SNIPING NOW. I'll send the #facts about @JoeBiden and the so called Hunter Biden scandals.
I think @DavidChalian knows #FactsMatter @AdamKinzinger cc: @JamesCarville I have a well documented thread about the so called HB-Burisma business deal scandal & comments on the AI generated images & GRU edited "emails", (ala` Hillary's emails), purported to be from #HunterBidenLaptop. Stay tuned. Concerning #HunterBiden 's gun charges: Since when is @GOP upset about anyone buying a gun?
Aug 5, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
@AmerMedicalAssn Your position on "gender affirming care" for children with gender dysphoria is clearly written to appease the Trans Activists, who are vociferous, aggressive, litigious and well funded, but apparently unaware of, or indifferent to, what these surgeries actually… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2. The surgeries involve atrocities like a double mastectomy removing healthy breasts, cutting shoulder & back muscles so patient will have limited use of arms thereafter. This for a young person with a mental health disorder. A second surgery involves constructing a penis by… https://t.co/WvuoKesdMxtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
@VP You are in error. That statement in FL standards was correct. "Servants" were also called "our people, or "our family" NOT "slaves" in common conversation & vernacular. They did indeed learn skills, carpentry, glass work, handy work & repairs, blacksmithing, handling… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… They could usually benefit from their efforts locally with permission, but of course faced legal obstacles going outside their local communities or trying to get a patent, for example. Even Jeff Davis, of whom I'm no fan, tried to get a patent for one of his people, that was… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@FCPSSupt Here are #Science based #facts about "affirming care" for gender dysphoria & more informationabouit the disorder & the "care". Experimental surgeries & endcrine disrupors have not been evelaued in Clinical Trials so no safety & efficy data exist. P1 @FCPSSupt @FCPSSupt Risks & side effects of EXPERIMENTAL "affirming care" Surgeries are dangerous & permanently disfiguring. Mastectomies cut shoulder & back muscles so teen girls wil never be able to lift arms above shoulders the rest of their lives. Muscle tissue removed from girls… https://t.co/hspBZGWaXvtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jun 7, 2023 9 tweets 9 min read
I KNEW IT!! This Faux scandal hyped by @RepJamesComer who Is new in town, is 100% the same old, same old #lies & Conspiracy Theory abt @Ukraine Bursima, #HunterBiden & then VP @JoeBiden. @RepDanGoldman GOOD! I've got a Thread for that! Let me get started. I'll copy @RepRaskintwitter.com/i/web/status/1… 1. All credit to @kurteichenwald Guliani #lies but many in @FBI consider him highly credible. @jsolomonReports knows this is a lie too but peddles bulloney on @JustTheNews This thread has been on the feed to @ChrisCuomo & @danabrams Who was being investigated over Bursisma?… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image
May 10, 2023 9 tweets 9 min read
@ChrisCuomo Promised you this thread on the Ukraine-Burisma-Biden trope They will drop this story & are swithcing to another since #FactsMatter & kill #lies I can send it in facebook in a pdf w more detail but this works for a wider audience.Credits to @kurteichenwaldtwitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image P2 @ChrisCuomo #BidenBurismaUkraine #facts @kurteichenwald Image
May 8, 2023 6 tweets 12 min read
@Jess_VBCPSBoard The issue of "gender "affirming" care for Trans children is NOT about politics. Your #Science illiteracy about the pharmceutical and surgical interventions is endangering children. STOP IT. Stop politicizing this issue. This is based on #Science AND Virginia's… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image @VBFACE1 @vbschools @Jess_VBCPSBoard Here are the medical risks & side effects of the NON FDA Apporved "affirming care" treatments. Under VA Constitution and 45CFR46 (exptl research treatments) & HIPPA & FERPA & VA Constitution, parental consent is required for ALL medical care… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image
Apr 28, 2023 5 tweets 8 min read
@cheryldgb Further, the no longer @vademocrats but #TammanyHallMachineVADems actually passed laws saying VA would do as CA does. I could not believe that but THEY DID! @TheJusticeDept surveilling dangerous #Moms Image @cheryldgb @vademocrats @TheJusticeDept Comments by a black Dad about how #CRT is being taught in K-12 schools. It is NOT fear mongering to object to this agenda @cheryldgb @dogwsoodnews @4publicedva Image
Feb 9, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
@AnneHolton's remark about socialism being compatible with democracy is true, although Sweden has made documentaries about its system, which has a market economy. True communism is not compatible with a free democratic system. Even post communist societies struggle w "democracy." @AnneHolton incorrectly asserts that African Americans could not own property. In early colonial VA, they were called servants, bond servants & many worked to purchase their freedom & land. One man bought his freedom,& a woman's he married. Some owned land. Ref: Bound Away
Feb 8, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
@JennMcClellanVA @VASenateDems you have lost all @reason & disregard #Science Racism is serious, impacting many areas of life for black people. But racism is NOT the cause of EVERY problem, health or other, in black people's lives. That is disempowering victim consciousness. Actually, though racism impacts access to insurance & care, there are known genetic factors that have direct impact on specific diseases, true for all different racial & ethnic groups. @VASenateDems @JennMcClellanVA
More data on AfricanAm Disparities. I'll send to you
Feb 8, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Really @VaSenateDems? By your standards, my 2 chemistry PhDs, PostDocs, 15 years at univerities teaching graduate level courses, +1 yr teaching engineering chem at @ReynoldsCollege & developing graduate STEM Ed programs & 20 yrs in Fortune 500 cos would be unqualified as well. Guess @vademocrats @VASenateDems didn't get the memo @NSBAPublicEd review of the anti #parents agenda & political ideology instead of academics in classrooms received a resounding rejection. They fired the Interim Director responsible & his cabal. YOU are WRONG & wrongheaded Dems
Feb 8, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
#SEL is an even worse evil that must be rooted out @GovernorVA @cToddGilbert @RichAndersonRPV This is where all the LGBTQ & Woke indoctrination merges in Maoist "reeducation" of students to correct thinking. Progress in reeducation is measured by testing, data mining & scoring. 2. Children are assigned a social score. Their #parents are also sent questionaires & are evaluated, assigned a social score. This is the data mining & profiling that XanTanner's, Garland's son in law, data mining & profiling company is being paid $2Million+ by VA, NJ, NY to do.
Jan 31, 2023 5 tweets 14 min read
@mikepompeo NO #RussiaHoax Fact 1. YOU went on @RT_com attacking America. Fact 2. @realDonaldTrump approved @RT_com PROPAGANDA STATION & YOU helped locate it in the heart of @KansasGOP Fact. 3 PaulManafort, convicted for $ from Putin Pal Deripaska removed antiRU plank frTrump platform #facts @mikepompeo @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @KansasGOP Fact 4 Trump had 6 bankruptcies & NO US bank would loan 2 him. Fact 5 DeutscheBank made loans cosigned by Russian oligarchs (Justice Kennedy's son OK'd loans) Fact 6. Trump use these #facts to pressure JusticeKennedy to resign. Fact 7. #HelsinkiTrump signed stack of Putin papers
Jan 27, 2023 8 tweets 10 min read
@ChuckCallesto #RussianRonJohnson plagiarizes @GovRonDeSantis who said he would do that. As a Medicinal Chemist who taught drug dev process to Biomedical Scis, MDs,PhDs, PharmDs, I provided a summary. Bottom line #WarpSpeed cut time to market fr 8-15yrs to 2yrs, limiting data #BlameTrump @GOP @ChuckCallesto @GovRonDeSantis @GOP Drug dev begins w Rational Drug Design of likley candidates, based on Structure Activity Relationship models. Then lab, bench scale prep, efficacy tests, in vitro, then in vivo. Likely candidates tested in rats to get ADME-Tox data.Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
God forbid @RoyCooperNC Is this NC policy or a perverse aberration in a day care center? Nothing could be more destructive. Leave children alone! What's between consenting adults is one thing, but leave children alone. @NCDemParty THIS is exactly what elects Republicans. If this is @NCDemParty policy, as many VaDems have gone, we deserve it.
Jan 24, 2023 9 tweets 14 min read
@CBS6 Sorry @VASchools had unqualified SecEds for 8 years, appointed for political reasons, not qualifications, & the depths of Northam's blackface humiliation. The extremist agenda has been rebuked by @NSBAPublicEd after legal review, but damage done. @8NEWS #RVA @NBC12 @myVPM This is @GlennYoungkin's HIGHLY QUALIFIED Sec Ed AimeeRogstad Guidera who uses DATA to drive decisions assess standards & recommendations. THIS is a qualifed VA Secretary of Ed, the 1st we've had in almost a decade. @CBS6 @8NEW @NBC12 @myVPM Decade of error is hard to overcome.