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Aug 2nd 2018

Trump is obstructing justice in plain sight as he tweeted out to Sessions to shut down Mueller's probe into RU interference in the 2016 elex.

Mueller wants to askTrump about obstruction of justice.

Who says COLLUSION is a crime?

⚖️The Justice Department

Three members of the notorious international cybercrime group “Fin7” In US custody for role in attacking over 100 US companies. 🤗
Paul Manafort = Evidence of Collusion with the Kremlin

Trump & Manafort have known each other since the 1980s.

Manafort Trial Day 2: Fake bills (💰wash), a banned word & a Rick Gates surprise, a parade of luxury vendors testify for the pros’n

Senate GOP kill extra funds for elex security despite intel warning & evidence hacking has already occurred targeting DEMs
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