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Tahun 2018 @kemkominfo memaksa kita utk melakukan registrasi nomor HP menggunakan NIK dan KK, dijanjikan akan terbebas dari spam.

Terbebas dari spam tak didapat, kini data registrasi no HP (NIK, No HP, provider, tgl registrasi) sebanyak 1,3 miliar bocor & dijual #BlokirKominfo
Data registrasi nomor HP tersebut dijual seharga 742 juta rupiah. Pelaku juga membagikan sampel gratis sebanyak 2 juta data.

Untuk memeriksa apakah data pribadi kamu termasuk di 2 juta sampel yg dibagikan gratis tersebut, silakan periksa melalui
Jika data kamu termasuk di 2 juta sampel yang dibagikan gratis oleh pelaku maka tampilannya akan seperti ini.
Read 7 tweets
Ketika kita menggunakan Peduli Lindungi di aplikasi pihak ketiga (tokopedia & app lainnya), apakah data kita aman dan tidak akan diambil?

Menurut Keputusan Kemkes No HK.01.07/MENKES/5680/2021 hal tsb dilarang. Tapi penerapannya ditemukan bahwa platform mengambil data pengguna.
Kemarin hadir sebagai ahli dari @PBHI_Nasional bersama Mas @DamarJuniarto dan @wahyudidjafar terkait gugatan PBHI terhadap Kementerian Kesehatan soal kerjasama Peduli Lindungi di aplikasi pihak ketika (PPA).

Berikut temuan yang kemarin udah disampaikan di depan majelis hakim.
Ketika menggunakan Peduli Lindungi di aplikasi pihak ketiga, mulai dari memasukkan nama dan NIK hingga proses check-in selesai, semua request dilakukan melalui server platform.

Lalu apakah ada jaminan tidak terjadi perpindahan data pengguna? Tentu saja tidak.
Read 10 tweets
You can wager between 0.20 and 200 per spin in the Bonanza free slot demo, which is the perfect range for players with smaller and mid-sized budgets. High rollers, too, should be able to get their kicks as they'll get plenty of value for their bankrolls.#WWENXT #BlokirKominfo
An autoplay function is available for up to 100 spins, and you can set a loss limit or single win limit along with it. There are no other controls in the game, however, such as settings for the volume or the reel…
When using the Autoplay function, you have the option to set a loss limit and a single win limit. It's a good idea to set a loss limit so that you don't deplete your bankroll too quickly.…
Read 7 tweets
You can wager between 0.20 and 200 per spin in the Bonanza free slot demo, which is the perfect range for players with smaller and mid-sized budgets. High rollers, too, should be able to get their kicks as they'll get plenty of value for their bankrolls.#WWENXT #BlokirKominfo
An autoplay function is available for up to 100 spins, and you can set a loss limit or single win limit along with it. There are no other controls in the game, however, such as settings for the volume or the reel…
When using the Autoplay function, you have the option to set a loss limit and a single win limit. It's a good idea to set a loss limit so that you don't deplete your bankroll too quickly.…
Read 7 tweets
You can wager between 0.20 and 200 per spin in the Bonanza free slot demo, which is the perfect range for players with smaller and mid-sized budgets. High rollers, too, should be able to get their kicks as they'll get plenty of value for their bankrolls.#WWENXT #BlokirKominfo
An autoplay function is available for up to 100 spins, and you can set a loss limit or single win limit along with it. There are no other controls in the game, however, such as settings for the volume or the reel…
When using the Autoplay function, you have the option to set a loss limit and a single win limit. It's a good idea to set a loss limit so that you don't deplete your bankroll too quickly.…
Read 7 tweets
You can wager between 0.20 and 200 per spin in the Bonanza free slot demo, which is the perfect range for players with smaller and mid-sized budgets. High rollers, too, should be able to get their kicks as they'll get plenty of value for their bankrolls.#WWENXT #BlokirKominfo
An autoplay function is available for up to 100 spins, and you can set a loss limit or single win limit along with it. There are no other controls in the game, however, such as settings for the volume or the reel…
When using the Autoplay function, you have the option to set a loss limit and a single win limit. It's a good idea to set a loss limit so that you don't deplete your bankroll too quickly.…
Read 7 tweets
Many casino news websites that publish content around casino games have entire sections dedicated to the RTP percentage of the casino slot games they review, so it's always easy to find the payout percentage of the games. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
You find them on PokerNews, as well. Every slot machine review we publish includes a section dedicated to the payout percentage with easy-to-understand info about the games with frequent payouts and whether one is a loose slot or…
If this is your first time on our site, these related articles will help you playing slots online. Picking a good slot machine to play, you'll improve your…
Read 7 tweets
Many casino news websites that publish content around casino games have entire sections dedicated to the RTP percentage of the casino slot games they review, so it's always easy to find the payout percentage of the games. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
You find them on PokerNews, as well. Every slot machine review we publish includes a section dedicated to the payout percentage with easy-to-understand info about the games with frequent payouts and whether one is a loose slot or…
If this is your first time on our site, these related articles will help you playing slots online. Picking a good slot machine to play, you'll improve your…
Read 7 tweets
Finding what are the best type of slot machines to play and how to improve your chances to win at slots is the dream of everyone into online gambling. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
The slots with the best odds are the games with the highest Return to Player (RTP). While you can't be sure to win at these slots every time you play and you can't tell…
When you go online to play slots for real money or for free, you need to know how to pick good slot machine games.

A lot of beginners play casino games thinking that all slots are similar and they only differ in graphics, features, and bonus rounds.…
Read 7 tweets
Finding what are the best type of slot machines to play and how to improve your chances to win at slots is the dream of everyone into online gambling. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
The slots with the best odds are the games with the highest Return to Player (RTP). While you can't be sure to win at these slots every time you play and you can't tell…
When you go online to play slots for real money or for free, you need to know how to pick good slot machine games.

A lot of beginners play casino games thinking that all slots are similar and they only differ in graphics, features, and bonus rounds.…
Read 7 tweets
Finding what are the best type of slot machines to play and how to improve your chances to win at slots is the dream of everyone into online gambling. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
The slots with the best odds are the games with the highest Return to Player (RTP). While you can't be sure to win at these slots every time you play and you can't tell…
When you go online to play slots for real money or for free, you need to know how to pick good slot machine games.

A lot of beginners play casino games thinking that all slots are similar and they only differ in graphics, features, and bonus rounds.…
Read 7 tweets
Finding what are the best type of slot machines to play and how to improve your chances to win at slots is the dream of everyone into online gambling. #BlokirKominfo #kominfo
The slots with the best odds are the games with the highest Return to Player (RTP). While you can't be sure to win at these slots every time you play and you can't tell…
When you go online to play slots for real money or for free, you need to know how to pick good slot machine games.

A lot of beginners play casino games thinking that all slots are similar and they only differ in graphics, features, and bonus rounds.…
Read 7 tweets
Knowing how to pick a slot machine needs more than you guessing when a slot machine will hit. The best slot machine to play is the one that comes with the right combination of volatility, return to player, limits, and casino bonus. #BlokirKominfo #lokercot
Each time you play real money slots, you need to look at the payback percentage (or pay table) and at the stakes. The only way to improve your slot machine odds in the long term is to pick a good slot machine and play only money you can afford to…
Of all the trick to winning on slot machines, finding the best slot machine to play is the one secret all the most experienced players swear…
Read 7 tweets
Knowing how to pick a slot machine needs more than you guessing when a slot machine will hit. The best slot machine to play is the one that comes with the right combination of volatility, return to player, limits, and casino bonus. #BlokirKominfo #lokercot
Each time you play real money slots, you need to look at the payback percentage (or pay table) and at the stakes. The only way to improve your slot machine odds in the long term is to pick a good slot machine and play only money you can afford to…
Of all the trick to winning on slot machines, finding the best slot machine to play is the one secret all the most experienced players swear…
Read 7 tweets
Knowing how to pick a slot machine needs more than you guessing when a slot machine will hit. The best slot machine to play is the one that comes with the right combination of volatility, return to player, limits, and casino bonus. #BlokirKominfo #lokercot
Each time you play real money slots, you need to look at the payback percentage (or pay table) and at the stakes. The only way to improve your slot machine odds in the long term is to pick a good slot machine and play only money you can afford to…
Of all the trick to winning on slot machines, finding the best slot machine to play is the one secret all the most experienced players swear…
Read 7 tweets
Knowing how to pick a slot machine needs more than you guessing when a slot machine will hit. The best slot machine to play is the one that comes with the right combination of volatility, return to player, limits, and casino bonus. #BlokirKominfo #lokercot
Each time you play real money slots, you need to look at the payback percentage (or pay table) and at the stakes. The only way to improve your slot machine odds in the long term is to pick a good slot machine and play only money you can afford to…
Of all the trick to winning on slot machines, finding the best slot machine to play is the one secret all the most experienced players swear…
Read 7 tweets

Koalisi Advokasi Mendesak Presiden Jokowi Untuk Mencabut Permenkominfo 5/2020

Koalisi Advokasi Permenkominfo 5/2020 telah beraudiensi dengan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemkominfo) pada Senin (1/8/2022).

-sebuah utas-
2) Koalisi menyampaikan desakan untuk mencabut Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika No.5 tahun 2020 terkait Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) lingkup privat.
3) Pada audiensi yg dihadiri oleh Dirjen Aptika Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, Plt. Direktur Tata Kelola Aplikasi Informatika Teguh Arifiadi, dan Kepala Bidang Hukum Anton Dailami, Kemkominfo menyatakan tidak akan mencabut regulasi yang disahkan pada November 2020 itu.
Read 23 tweets
Mengapa saya mendukung #BlokirKominfo ?
Peringatan :
Saya sebagai penulis thread mengakui tidak memiliki kapabilitas yang cukup tinggi di bidang hukum, sebagian besar argumen di sini dirujuk dari beberapa organisasi dan ahli.
#1 - PSE dan Peraturan Karetnya
Permasalahan tentang peraturan ini muncul karena beberapa pasal dianggap bermasalah, antara lain mengenai permohonan pemutusan akses dan kewajiban PSE untuk memastikan tidak memuat informasi yang dilarang.
Read 34 tweets
Dalam Pemberitaan dan Perbincangan
19 – 30 Juli 2022


Tagar #BlokirKominfo sempat menduduki trending topics sejak pagi hingga siang hari pada tanggal 30 Juli 2022.

Pemberitaan seputar PSE dan #BlokirKominfo alami peningkatan pada 30 Juli 2022 (378 mentions). Hal tersebut didorong oleh sorotan media terhadap reaksi negatif warganet atas pemblokiran berbagai platform oleh Kominfo.
Read 37 tweets
Jika ini benar mari gaungkan hashtag #RombakKominfo cari talenta muda yang lebih berkompeten dan melek teknologi + suka eksplore teknologi baru, karena teknologi cepat sekali berkembang & berubah. Apa jadinya kalo internal kominfo gaptek.
#kominfo #KominfoKontol #kominfotolol
MenKominfo ini bagaimana? Kok game slot gak masuk ke daftar game judi? Memang gatau atau ada oknum yang kerjasama? Perlukah interlan kominfo dirimbak ke orang² yang lebih ber kompeten? #RombakKominfo
#kominfotolol #kominfogoblok #kominfo
Read 4 tweets
Lagi kejadian yang tak terduga setelah acara Space yang disediakan utk bahas Kominfo, salah satu pembicara mendapatkan teror melalui Whatsapp, nomor tsb dapat mengetahui no pembicara entah darimana sampai mengirimkan foto dan email. Apakah data pribadi kita hanya dianggap mainan
Pembicara mendapatkan Whatsapp berisikan pesan terror yang dapat mengetahui informasi pribadi si Pembicara dari foto, email, hingga nomor Whatsapp, darimana semua data itu di dapatkan ?
Lalu apa fungsi PSE untuk platform asing yang wajib mendaftar ke Kominfo ? sedangkan data dalam saja bisa bocor seperti ini. Kominfo ngeclaim fungsi PSE adalah melindungi data pribadi warga negara Indonesia, tapi setelah kejadian ini sudah tidak bisa dibiarkan.
Read 25 tweets
Dini hari tadi, Kominfo memblokir beberapa Perusahaan Platform Asing seperti Paypal, Steam, Origin, Epic Games, dan lain-lain.

Lucunya mereka ACC game Judi Domino.
#Kominfobadut #BlokirKominfo
Meskipun masalah diatas dapat diselesaikan dengan memakai DNS & VPN, tetapi cara tersebut dapat menyebabkan masalah lain seperti jika kalian menggunakan VPN untuk mengakses Paypal, dalam waktu dekat akun kalian akan di suspend / blokir karena terdeteksi IP dan Negara yang beda.
Tentu ini akan menjadi Impact yang besar pada sektor perdagangan online yang menerima pembayaran melalui Paypal, bahkan dilaporkan bahwa tadi pagi beberapa game mengalami penurunan drastis pada Player region Indonesia karena tidak bisa mengakses server.
Read 6 tweets
Selamat Kominfo, kalian hari ini resmi jadi ancaman developer game lokal, gamer di Indonesia, publisher game dunia, dan semua yang antusias dengan industri game. Sejak saat ini, nama Indonesia akan dicap buruk di mata dunia.
Selamat juga telah menjadi ancaman bagi banyak freelancer lokal, layanan-layanan luar negeri yang biasa kami pakai, dan segala macamnya. Selamat, benar-benar bobrok !
Read 6 tweets
Paypal juga diblok ya. Selamat @kemkominfo, anda udh berhasil mematikan banyak mata pencaharian rakyatnya. Sekarang ayo dong github sama npm diblock #BlokirKominfo
Read 7 tweets

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