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Jun 25th 2019

Billionaires to Trump and other 2020 candidates: Please tax us

"The next dollar of new tax revenue should come from the most financially fortunate, not from middle-income & lower-income Americans,"

Flynn's criminal case on hold until August 31, 2019

Allegations that Manafort schemed to funnel Ukrainian money to several GOP members of Congress have been dismissed b/c of the FEC’s partisan gridlock

Belgian police have arrested a man they suspect of planning a terrorism attack against the US embassy in Brussels

Trump-Haley in 2020
Putting her on the ticket may win over some moderate, suburban women.
#Mox #Aiken #Boondoggle

A ‘Bible tax’: Christian publishers warn that China tariffs could lead to costly Bibles

Boris Johnson says he is serious about 'no-deal' Brexit threat
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