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Feb 17th 2023
Feel Good Friday! 😃Here's some #GoodNews stories to encourage you -- not all news is negative. 💙
Asbury University Revival Makes History: ‘God Is Moving’ #AsburyRevival #AsburyRevival2023 #Revival #GenZ

Joshua Bassett baptized at Bethel Church, shares what Jesus delivered him from #JesusSaves #Baptism

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Sep 10th 2022
Vorsichtige #GoodNews aus der #Ukraine

Auch #Lyman (Oblast #Donezk, etwa 50 Kilometer sĂŒdöstlich von #Isjum und etwa 100 Kilometer sĂŒdöstlich von #Balakliia) soll wieder unter ukrainischer Kontrolle sein.

#Russland sei auch dort geflohen. /TN
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Jun 15th 2022
@MartinKulldorff @Eric_Schmitt @JeffLandry .@peterthiel cut a sizable check that Schmitt’s credibility could wreck. Postmarked W. Hollywood? #Missouri understood: Schmitt’s campaign’s cofinanced by #BigTech.
@carinabergfeldt @JackSuntrup @j_hancock @jrpsaki @kgilsinan @tonymess @The65Project #mosen
@MartinKulldorff @Eric_Schmitt @JeffLandry @peterthiel @carinabergfeldt @JackSuntrup @J_Hancock @jrpsaki @kgilsinan @tonymess @The65Project BilförsÀkringsbolaget har fÄtt frÄn domstolen beskedet att nÄt ganska kÀnsligt har hÀnt som Àr numera kÀnt. Ingen skulle det ha förutspÄtt. Kvinnan drabbats av ett könssjukdom som överförtes utan kondom och fick $5M ÀndÄ: nÄgot som vi har svÄrt att förstÄ.

@MartinKulldorff @Eric_Schmitt @JeffLandry @peterthiel @carinabergfeldt @JackSuntrup @J_Hancock @jrpsaki @kgilsinan @tonymess @The65Project BilförsÀkringsbolaget har fÄtt frÄn domstolen beskedet att nÄt ganska kÀnsligt har hÀnt som Àr numera kÀnt. Ingen skulle det ha förutspÄtt. Kvinnan drabbats av ett könssjukdom som överförtes utan kondom och fick $5M ÀndÄ: nÄt som vi har svÄrt att förstÄ. @Nyheter24 @anders_aslund
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Jun 8th 2022
One common objection to universalism goes like this: if everyone is going to be saved, why does scripture seem to say that few will enter the Kingdom of God?

The answer: Yes, few will enter the Kingdom. But that does not mean all will not be saved.
I've been re-reading this article to increase my foundation and understanding of what the Kingdom of God is about. I will break down some of the key points to explain.

Not everyone is going to enter the Kingdom of God. Very few are. Narrow is the path, as they say.

First we must understand what the Kingdom of God is. The Greek is basileia theos, which quite literally means reign with God. It is talking about reigning with Christ.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
#Goodnews aus #Aserbaidschan (was fĂŒr eine wahnsinnige Welt)

Diktator #Aliyev hat den Staatskonzern #SOCAR angewiesen, ukrainische Krankenwagen & Einsatzfahrzeuge kostenlos zu betanken. /TN
Diese Haltung passt auch dazu, dass sich #Aserbaidschan im Europarat bei der Suspendierung enthalten hat.

Die BÀnde zwischen #Russland und Aserbaidschan haben beim #BergKarabach-Konflikt schwer gelitten, was das gute VerhÀltnis anscheinend nachhaltig gestört hat. /TN
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Jan 1st 2022
@Eric_Schmitt Eric’s campaign was long overdue to release a playlist; 22 #GreatestHits now await so that Schmitt’s #ShowMeState its AG’s dismal record can view, for this 🚑 chaser’s unfit. Each song here I dedicate to Schmitt. @MoGov #SchmittList

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov 1/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need @RoyBlunt in the Senate to succeed.

@Eric_Schmitt @MoGov @RoyBlunt @HawleyMO 1a/ AG Schmitt’s favorite ploy was named “sue.” While campaigning, it’s all he could do large donations (in cash) with false hope soon to stash for his failing run in ’22: the main ingredient Schmitt would need Roy Blunt in the Senate to succeed.
Read 32 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
#GoodNews fĂŒr die #Uiguren in #China & Billigarbeiter in #Katar

Der #DOSB wird die sportlichen Großereignisse nutzen & versuchen, die Situation vor Ort zu Ă€ndern.

Weikert: "Und deswegen sollte man auch dort nicht boykottieren, sondern hinfahren und versuchen zu Àndern." /TN
China und Katar schlottern sicherlich schon die Knie vor dem DOSB. /TN
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Dec 4th 2021
So, a few months ago, I started making #goodnews TikToks on Fridays to celebrate our wins and counteract the media’s negative bias. Because I use music, I haven’t brought them here.

But I want my Twitter friends to celebrate, too, so let’s do it as a fun thread! đŸ§”
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D) vetoed 5 bills from the GOP legislature that aimed to restrict abortion access.
Job creation under Biden is 60x the rate of the last 3 presidents! (Not a typo!)
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Oct 6th 2021
Vertragt Ihr etwas #goodnews?

Die #Corona-Impfquote in D könnte deutlich höher liegen als bisher angenommen. Das legt auch der neue #Covimo-Bericht des @rki_de nahe. Gut möglich, dass bereits 80 % der Erwachsenen vollstÀndig geimpft sind. Worum genau geht's? Hier entlang.

Die Erkenntnis, dass die offiziellen Impfquoten die wirkliche Impfquote wohl unterschĂ€tzen, ist nicht neu. Schon vor vier Wochen sorgte der #Covimo-Bericht fĂŒr Schlagzeilen. Siehe etwa hier:

Dem Bericht liegt eine Tel-befragung zu Grunde. Und die kam auf deutlich höhere Quoten als die offiziellen. Aber wie kommt das? Einerseits könnte eine Befragung die Impfquote ĂŒberschĂ€tzen, weil es einen Selektionsbias (wer macht bei einer RKI-Befragung mit und wer nicht?)... 3/x
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Apr 22nd 2021
3 random Automobile Industry #goodnews Stories from Nigeria. I’ve tried to do some regional balancing eh, because that’s what you people care for innit?

One from Ogun, one each from Enugu and Anambra, and one from Kaduna.

Let’s start with Kaduna. Peugeot Automobile Nigeria (PAN), one of the oldest vehicle assembly plants in the country. Has had ups and downs, AMCON took over 2012 or so, etc. About six months ago new investors took over, and have pledged to inject $150mn:

Sorry. 4 stories not 3. (I didn’t like Further Maths like that in secondary school)
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Mar 31st 2021
"Powerfully Protective" fĂŒr Jugendliche #BioNTech
GefĂ€llt mir als Überschrift besser als die deutschen Headlines "100% Schutz".
Warum? Ein Thread.
#ProtectTheKids #SichereBildung

Welche Infos gibt es?
Eine News-Mitteilung von #BioNTech #Pfizer .
Keine Detail-Daten, kein Peer-Review (-fÀhiges Material)
In der @nytimes zitiert man 2.260 Teilnehmer, in deutschen Nachrichtenportalen nur 2.160.
So oder so, inklusive der Placebogruppe. âžĄïž
Darin 18 Infektionen in der Placebogruppe.
0 in der Impfgruppe.
Erstmal ein gutes Ergebnis.
Bisher habe ich noch keine Infos zur Aufteilung gefunden (50:50 oder 30:70...).
Gehen wir mal von 50:50 aus. Also jeweils rund 1.100 Teilnehmer (je nachdem,welche Zahl nun stimmt)âžĄïž
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Mar 26th 2021
Three class 10 students from Shiv Nadar School in Gurugram have launched their own e-newsletter called the Paperless Press. The focus of the e-paper is to bring positive and good news for all age groups.
The idea came up in July 2020 when Abhimanyu, Agasthya and Mihir Rao were wondering how a change can be brought in these distressing times, they decided to launch the paper.
"Lest we forget what positive news looked like, we decided to launch our own source of joy," said Agastya. While Abhimanyu and Agastya are twins, Mihir has been their best friends for over five years.
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Mar 24th 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic paralysed our lives for the last one year. While many of us were confined to our homes during lockdowns, the frontline workers played a life-saving role in fighting against the pandemic. Many of these warriors have been recognised and honoured with awards. Image
But this 33-year-old man from Mysuru decided to pay a tribute to them in a different way. Bharath P N embarked on a 'Walk for Humanity' journey- a tribute to the frontline workers, for their efforts and selfless service.
"I was just home-bound, like everyone else amid the nationwide lockdown. I watched the television daily and saw how these frontline workers were out, risking their lives and rendering their services on a daily basis.
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Mar 24th 2021
Durga Prasad Timsina had been languishing as an undertrial for 41 years at the Dum Dum Correctional Home in Kolkata but in the last two weeks, he got a new life. The Calcutta High Court ordered his release on March 17. Image
Timsina came back home to Nepal to meet his mother. The reunion was made possible by a prison inmate and some detective work done by a group of Ham radio operators in the two countries.
The 72-year-old Timsina was certified mentally unfit to stand trial for the murder that he was accused of.
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Mar 24th 2021
Laxmirani Tripathy from Sambalpur, Odisha and Mahabir Prasad Shukla from a neighbouring district in Jharkhand met six months back on Facebook. After getting acquainted well with each other through social messaging apps, they tied the knot here on Sunday, March 21. Image
Laxmirani (43) and Mahabir (48) are speech and hearing-impaired, respectively since birth. Laxmirani has completed her education till class 10 and even pursued sewing and beautician courses. Mahabir works as an electrical contractor.
Since the duo was unable to talk over the phone, they exchanged messages through the social media platform and got to know each other well before deciding to get married. They also interacted on WhatsApp video call using sign language.
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Mar 11th 2021
#GoodNews đŸ™ŒđŸœ

Yesterday along with @AAAJ_AAJC @SidleyLaw @the_ILRC @tahirihjustice and @CentroLegal we were able to block a draconian rule enacted by 45 and defended by the Biden admin that prevented immigration courts from hearing the valid claims of people facing deportation.
The failure to continue to fundamentally reject 45’s vision of our immigration system will leave a lasting mark not only on the lives of immigrants currently in deportation proceedings, but also on potentially hundreds of thousands of immigrant families to come.
As Tami Goodlette, our Director of Litigation at RAICES said, "We demand that the Biden Administration stop defending the rule and begin safeguarding the rights of non-citizens to a fair and just adjudication of their cases.”
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Mar 1st 2021
Some wonderful news 🗞 from over the weekend: 1 of 3 family detention centers has been emptied. 🎉

There’s still a long way to go to permanently shut them down in order to truly #EndFamilyDetention.

But jeez, #GoodNews feel nice 💕
HUGE shoutout to @ShutDownBerks, @aldea_pjc and ALL the rockstars who worked night & day to #FreeThemAll.

We hope Dilley & Karnes follow in Berks’ footsteps and we finally put an end to the incarceration of migrant families.
The Biden Administration has the power to #EndFamilyDetention TODAY.

We don’t have to live in fear of this practice continuing or ever coming back. @POTUS has the ability to end families’ nightmares once & for all!

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Jan 6th 2021
#GoodNews aus den #USA

In #Georgia hat sich der Demokrat #Warnock bei den Stichwahlen zum US-Senat gegen die Republikanerin #Loeffler durchgesetzt.

Rennen zwischen den Demokraten Jon #Ossoff und dem Republikaner David #Perdue ist noch offen. /TN

#Georgia zeigt mal wieder, wieso bei einer Wahl die Floskel besteht, dass jede Stimme zÀhlt.

Wurde mal wieder verdammt knapp und geht mit ziemlicher Sicherheit gut fĂŒr die Demokraten / #Ossoff aus.

Damit kann #Biden wirklich regieren. /TN
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Jan 5th 2021
#Goodnews aus den #USA

Das Oberhaupt der rechtsradikalen #ProudBoys, Henry #Tarrio, wurde in #Washington wegen SachbeschĂ€digung und MitfĂŒhrung zweier Schusswaffen-Magazine festgenommen. /TN #TrumpTapes #Republikaner

Der Chef der #ProudBoys wurde festgenommen? Kein Grund fĂŒr seine JĂŒnger, sich zu mĂ€ĂŸigen - die prĂŒgeln sich in #Washington krĂ€ftig mit der Polizei. "Thin Blue Line" am Arsch? /MS
#Trump-Supporter haben die Absperrungen am Kapitol in #Washington (#USA) durchbrochen und versuchen das Parlament zu stĂŒrmen. Ach du Scheiße. /MS
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Dec 21st 2020
Amidst the horror of the late-2020 UK, I've got some #GoodNews to share! Alongside some #BadNews for #biodiversity and #conservation. So buckle up for some hot-off-the-press science from @UniversityLeeds @RSPBScience @oxmartinschool @naturesustainab

TLDR: we projected that ~88% of the 20,000 #species we looked at will lose habitat to farmland by 2050, and ~1300 will lose 25% (a QUARTER!) of their remaining habitat. This is #badnews and could hugely increase #extinction risks. 2/

BUT with proactive #conservation actions we can eliminate losses! Increasing agricultural yields, shifting to healthier diets, reducing food waste, and global-scale land-use planning can, when combined, provide healthy diets for a growing population AND conserve biodiversity 2/
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Dec 19th 2020
So, in the holiday spirit, I wanted to share an unlikely, feel-good story about my dog Hugo (the darker one) and his friend Churro. #GoodNews

A few months ago, my wife, Abby, found a dog abandoned in a sealed bag on the street here in Mexico City. The dog was cold, hungry and left to die. So, she brought him to a vet where they said he seemed ok but was just really malnourished.

He weighed 2.5 pounds and was roughly 6 weeks old. So she brought him home and we fed him and, despite all he'd been through, he was such a kind, happy little puppy.

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Sep 29th 2020
Some much needed #GoodNews đŸ‘đŸŸ in the immigration world today. 💚
Fighting off an Administration that is constantly targeting immigrants left and right is exhausting and nerve-wracking for everyone involved in immigrant rights.

Moments like this đŸ‘†đŸŸare far and in-between but mighty doses of replenishment. Happy Tuesday y'all! 💚
A HUGE shout out to @the_ILRC, @icirr, @cliniclegal, @CHIRLA, @weareoneamerica and more for their tenacious work on this! đŸ™ŒđŸŸ
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Sep 13th 2020
#PainGang #RahRahRah to @OldHeadFighta & NH Pain Collaborative for their BIG WIN in getting protections for pain patients & prescribers into state law. I'll put a sample letter together so folks can lobby their state lawmakers using the NH bill as a model.
NEW NH bill "requires doctors/pharmacists to consider the 'individualized needs' of pain patients, treat them with dignity, and ensure that they are 'not unduly denied the medications needed to treat their conditions.'" #cpp #opioids

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Jul 13th 2020
#GoodNews 🎉 to brighten your day☀

Ricardo*, who'd been detained with his son for 121 days at Karnes Family Detention Center were both finally released on Friday. Let this clip be a testament that ICE has the discretion to #FreeThemAll #SafeAndTogether
A little backstory: Ricardo* was living with his wife & 2 year old son in San Antonio, Texas prior to being arrested.

He'd been going to his ICE check-ins and missed a court date he didn't know about so at his next check-in, he was arrested & taken to Karnes with his older son.
A few months ago we submitted a request for parole on behalf of the family which was subsequently denied.

In the reason for denial, ICE stated that they could not determine that neither Jose nor his son were flight risks despite their strong community ties.
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