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Feb 3rd 2021
Today, Jeff Bezos has decided to head for the exits rather than face the music.

A thread. (1/x)
In response to @JeffBezos stepping down as Amazon CEO for Andy Jassy, the head of Amazon Web Services, the @athenaforall coalition released the following statement from Maurice BP-Weeks @mo87mo87, an Athena leader and the Co-Exec Director of member group @ACREcampaigns. (2/x)
"The company Jeff Bezos started nearly three decades ago is under a cloud of scrutiny, with regulators from both sides of the aisle firing arrows from Washington, D.C. and lawmakers asking hard questions in states across the country." (3/x) #BreakUpAmazon #MonopolyIsNoGame
Read 13 tweets
Jan 19th 2021
Today’s #MLK day converges with a lot.

1) Pandemic
2) Movement for Black lives
3) Anti-Democratic coup attempt
4) Unprecedented shuttering of small biz
5) Climate disaster at our door

All on the eve of the inauguration of Joe Biden, who must respond to all of it.

Many players contributed to this, especially #BigTech. No player has more fingers in all of it than Jeff Bezos

@JoeBiden’s @Transition46 team considering Amazon insiders for positions designed to regulate Amazon is alarming

(2/) see @ddayen @ryangrim…
How does @Amazon contribute to each of these?

Amazon played fast and loose with the lives of its workers through the pandemic.

Even prior to COVID19, its injury rate was 2X industry's.

see #ProtectAmazonWorkers (3/)
Read 11 tweets

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