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Jan 8th 2021
Update from today’s @NYCMayor/@NYGovCuomo briefings:

#Day314 Stats/Trends:
🔹Hospitalizations: 8,561 (+13)
🔸Discharges: 901 (-23)
🔸Admits: 1,068 (+18)
🔹Deaths: 161
🔹ICU: 1,475 (+51)
🔹Intubations: 912 (+53)
🔹Tests: 243,903 (18,832 Pos: 7.72%)
🔹#RedZones: 8.32%
🔹Excl. #RedZones: 7.49%

NYC (Compared with 1/06):
🔹Hospitalizations: 356
🔹Hospitalization Rate: 4.33%
🔹New Reported Cases (Over 7-Day Rolling Average): 3,960 (Including “Probable” Cases)
🔹Citywide Positive Tests: 9.38%
Reserve Your Vaccination Time
🔹Mass Vaccination Sites - OPEN SUNDAY 24/7
🔸Brooklyn: Grand Army Terminal Annex Building 80 58th Street
🔸Bronx: Bathgate Industrial Park 1648-1674 Bathgate Ave.
🔹Coming SOON:
🔸Queens Theater (QNS)
🔸La Marqueta (Manhattan)
Read 21 tweets
Nov 13th 2019
Now in #SDNY Magistrate Court multiple defendants from The #Bronx' Elliot Place between Walton & the #GrandConcourse- thread
AUSA and Judgr Parker have different rap sheets for one defenfant, whose CJA lawyer doesn't have *any* copy of the rap sheet
AUSA Balsamello has the narcotics conspiracy was centered around 105-07 Elliot Place, #BX NY. Qs turn to hit & run in #Miami
Read 5 tweets

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