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Mar 6th 2023
⚠️Wrist-worn transdermal Troponin-I sensor⁉️

#LBCT #ACC23 #CardioNerds
🫀 How does the Wrist-Worn Transdermal Troponin-I-Sensor work❓

#ACC23 #CardioNerds
Read 5 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
#LBCT at #ACC23 this morning ☀️🫀

⚠️PULSED AF Pivotal Trial⚠️

#CardioNerds 🫀🫀🫀
Using Pulsed field ablation rather than thermal modes through irreversible electroporation (IRE).
#ACC23 #CardioNerds
🔺 Pulsed field ablation resulted in 79.7% (paroxysmal) and 80.8% (persistent) clinical success. 🫀

#ACC23 #CardioNerds
Read 5 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
🆘“Nephrology Stopped the Diuretics: Renal Considerations in the Management of Heart Failure” 🫘 🫀
#ACC23 #CardioNerds @CardioNerds

Dr. Alison Grazioli discussed the response to diuretics in HF: Image
What happens after you start loop diuretics?
🔸Net Na loss
🔸Short term Anti-Natruresis: ↗️Na retention
🔸Nephron remodeling
‼️Na loss may be equivalent to Na retention‼️ Image
Patients with decompensated HF will need higher doses of diuretics due to decreased renal blood flow:
#ACC23 #CardioNerds @CardioNerds Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 15th 2022
Cardiologists and Heart Failure Specialists - Join in with this complex patient case👇
Here's the presenting complaint, patient history and investigations:
So, tell us - what's your diagnosis for this patient?
Read 5 tweets
May 5th 2022
17For Part 2 of our #Tweetorial on the basics of mechanical circulatory support (MCS), we will look at different device options. 🦾⚙
18We are in a wonderful time when we have many different devices available to us, so it is worth looking at the differences in these devices and what they can & can’t do. ⚖
19The balloon pump 🎈 produces counter-pulsation in the aorta, inflating during diastole, deflating in systole. It can be left in place for days & is relatively small. It requires cardiac synchrony or a rhythm to really function well.

Its output is modest at 0.5 L/min.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
#CardioTwitter #CardioNerds #GITwitter How do you approach GI Bleed in patients with LVAD, we'll follow a patient from presentation to discharge

72 Y/F s/p LVAD 1 year ago presented with 🩸🩸in 💩 Image
Learning objectives😎☑️☑️

☑️Identification GIB in a patient with LVAD

☑️Predictive factors for LVAD and GIB

☑️Diagnosis and management approach of GIB & LVAD🩸🩸🆎🅰️🅱️🅾️

☑️Primary and Secondary prevention of recurrent GIB
I feel comfortable in diagnosing, treating, and preventing #GIB in patients with #LVAD.
Read 21 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
#CardioNerds & #EPeeps, ready for an EKG Challenge⁉️⁉️

✍️Answer to follow on Monday 11/23 🗓️

🏥You see this 58 yo🧍‍♂️w/ ischemic CM in clinic.

🤔What's the rhythm❓

Brought to you by EKGaction: Image
Would you use a CardioNerds EKG Case of the Week - shared weekly?
Read 37 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
1/ ❤️🤓 Time to reacquant yourselves for ARDS management!

Here is a @cardionerds #tweetorial review of this phenomenal lecture:

🔥On ARDS in #COVID19 🔥

By @AnnGageMD, @RanLeeMD & @AndrewHigginsMD


2/ I need a PA Catheter to diagnose ARDS to rule out cardiogenic pulmonary edema:
3/ 🤔Why pay attention?

We can't afford not to! 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

🤒ARDS is a MAJOR part of COVID19 illness:

⛔️Wuhan: 6% needed vents, 3.4% get ARDS
⛔️Italy: 10% got ARDS

💥US: plan to manage ARDS regardless of specialty 😥

But Don't worry: we got you #InThisTogether
Read 29 tweets
Jan 7th 2020

9⃣1⃣1⃣ #STEMI 🚨 example
➕ST elevation 3>2
➕Right sided leads (shown): ST elevation in V4R-V6R leads
=Inferior MI with RV involvement

⚠️ caution with nitroglycerin in this patient
👉 Preload dependent
🛑⇪Vagal tone may lead to heart block

A nice algorithm when confronted with inferior STEMI
Full right sided 12 lead ECG

Read 4 tweets

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