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May 15th 2021
While I appreciate it won't have been everywhere, in my town GP practices have been doing flu jabs then COVID jabs round the clock *for months* while offering phone and F2F appointments, safely, when needed.

WTF does @NHSEngland think has been going on?…
Powerful response from Local Medical Committee to @NHSEngland's tone-deaf letter:

Blaming GPs for *its own policies*…

which it clearly intends to pursue… the height of #hypocrisy.

But nothing new.
Also this 👇 and rest of [Thread]:

Too many forget that @NHSEngland is NOT 'the NHS in England' but rather the #NHS #CommissioningBoard - as the letter about its renaming in 2013 made crystal clear:… Image
Read 5 tweets
Jun 29th 2020

@NHSEngland had a habit of rebranding right from the start. First itself, 'cos it didn't like being the "#CommissioningBoard":…

Then, after the & #HES scandals, #HSCIC became @NHSDigital...
So that @NHSX - itself a #rebranding of bits of @DHSCgovuk & @NHSEngland to deliver @MattHancock's #TechVision, probably more accurately named #DHSX - wants to call its ailing app "PPE in your pocket" is hardly a surprise.

What I'm more concerned about is the way @NHSEngland...
...despite setting itself up as the 'protector' of the #NHS brand (including its logo & trademark) appears to be actively #cobranding with @PalantirTech:…

So which do YOU think will have the greater lasting impact on #trust?
Read 3 tweets

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