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May 5th 2021
@SpelthorneBC how long does it usually take for your monitoring officer to reply to a residents formal complaint when it has already been upheld that a #conservative #Councillor - namely Cllr Michelle Gibson - DID breach #GDPR when she gave my address to her other half please?
@shamusdoherty @cazbie16 @Sammy_18_ @Lisa_SEND @TheRealGrumpDad @CharlieL28 @SENWorldcom @L4ASurrey STILL rumbling on🤔 @ICOnews as the holder of my own data can i freely share my communications? The DPO at #Spelthorne council upheld my GDPR complaint about Cllr Gibson! #GDPR
I have of course raised this as a formal complaint no #Councillor should feel free to misuse their power to use residents personal data to allow someone to try to intimidate them! It’s absolutely disgraceful!! #ConservativeGovernment #LocalElections2021 #LocalElections #politics
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