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Sep 19th 2020
We are fighting a system that is neglecting us in a global pandemic. Right now @SEIU73 is striking in a historic way for Black lives. If these ppl are so “essential” WHY ARENT THEY BEING TAKEN CARE OF. Jayda with @FRSO #dayofprotest #StopPoliceCrimes
We must have unconditional solidarity with each other. We are fighting for our survival. This is a moment in history where this is necessary to survive. We are fighting for our right to live. For liberation. Jayda with @FRSO #dayofprotest #StopPoliceCrimes
We need to keep what brought you out here today with you. We must know that with community control by demanding justice for Black lives and abolishing the police is LIBERATION FOR US ALL. - Jayda with @FRSO #dayofprotest #StopPoliceCrimes
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Jul 18th 2020
Regina Russell, Mother of Tamon Russell speaking on her son's case at the #DayofProtest Rally. #FreeTamonRussell #FreeThemAll FreeThemAll
Donate to Tamon Russell's gofundme to support his mother and family find legal support.…
Tamon Russell should have never spent one night in prison. #FreeTamonRussell #FreeThemAll ImageImageImage
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May 31st 2020
CPD arrested 1000 people yesterday at the Chicago #DayOfProtest, not to keep anyone safe but to protect the property of corporations. We, the working and oppressed people, need to get them out ASAP. Cops don't protect us. We protect each other!
#FreeThemAll Image
We have people doing jail support at all 4 locations listed! If you can offer rides and supplies (portable phone chargers and hand sanitizer are especially needed, food and water is also appreciated) please go and offer what you can.
These calls really do help. If the phone operators are frustrated, imagine how frustrating & traumatizing it is to be locked up overnight because the mayor trapped you downtown and imposed a curfew. Keep the pressure on until everyone is home!
Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2020
White supremacy kills Black people in the streets, in their homes, at work, and in prisons. Lynchings by police and vigilantes must stop. Death by infection due to incarceration must stop. On this #DayOfProtest we are fighting to stop them.
#FreeThemAll Image
This #DayOfProtest is for Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Sean Reed, and everyone whose life was stolen by racist murderers. We demand justice for the families and community control of the police.
#StopPoliceCrimes Image
This #DayOfProtest is for Gerald Reed, Clayborn Smith, Tamon Russell, and countless others who were kidnapped by police and tortured over many years of incarceration. We demand freedom and reparations for all torture survivors and the wrongfully convicted.
#FreeThemAll Image
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