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Oct 30th 2020
We are thrilled to share our #preprint "Atlas of genetic effects in human #microglia transcriptome across brain regions, aging and #disease pathologies"!
Work led by @lopeskp @JackHumphrey_ #Gijsje and others from #deWitte and #Raj Lab (@towfiqueRaj) 1/23
Here, we describe the Microglia Genomic Atlas (#MiGA) project. A genetic and transcriptomic resource of 255 primary human microglia isolated from 4 brain regions of 100 donors with neurodegenerative and psychiatric disease and controls. 2/23 Image
We performed the following analysis: I) age-related (the age of donors range from 21 to 103 y.o! II) brain regional heterogeneity ; III) expression and splicing quantitative trait loci #eQTL & #sQTL. 3/23
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