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Aug 20th 2021
/1 A question people often ask is, why do we need so many DEXs? Take @THORChain and @sifchain for example; It's easy to think they are almost identical. In some respects, they do have similarities. There are some notable differences though. $ROWAN $RUNE #DEX
/2 I recently made another table highlighting some of the differences between 3 #Cosmos DEXs and @Uniswap. It is easier to distinguish between them when you look past their exterior. $OSMO $ATOM $UNI #UNISWAP
/3 I thought of doing this comparison however, mainly because many people find it much harder to differentiate between @THORChain and @sifchain. The table above shows how they differ in some aspects and more importantly, how they can compliment each other.
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