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Oct 12th 2021
Mieux comprendre les catastrophes naturelles et nous en protéger : voici l'objectif de plusieurs services nationaux d'observation #SNO de l'INSU ⛈️🌪️☀️🌊🌋
On vous en parle toute la semaine dans ce #thread

#OnlyTogether #DRRday #CatastropheNaturelle Image
@UNDRR @CNRS Le #SNO Dynalit étudie les risques qui menacent le littoral : érosion, #submersion et pollution🌊
Pour en savoir plus ➡️…

#OnlyTogether #DRRday #CatastropheNaturelle Image
Le #SNO BCSF-Rénass est dédié à la #détection et la localisation des #séismes en France 💣
Pour en savoir plus ➡️…
#OnlyTogether #DRRday #CatastropheNaturelle Image
Read 16 tweets
Oct 13th 2020
Today is Disaster Risk Reduction Day #DRRDay

There is good news to report on this front, but continued progress requires continued effort
Under indicators of the @UN Sustainable Development Goals the world is making progress with respect to disasters - but there is no guarantee that it will continue, sustained effort is needed…
Vulnerability has decreased globally:
"Results show a clear decreasing trend in both human & economic vulnerability, with global average mortality & economic loss rates that have dropped by 6.5 and nearly 5 times, respectively, from 1980–1989 to 2007–2016"…
Read 5 tweets

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