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Nov 3rd 2021
Looking throughout Virginia I don't see anywhere McAuliffe can make up the margin he's down by to Youngkin. The one place there are still likely a lot of unreported votes for McAuliffe is Fairfax Co, but he'd literally need to win 90-100% of them to catch up. #ElectionResults2021
UPDATE: New Fairfax County results came in, now even winning 100% of the rest would not be nearly enough for McAuliffe. Unless they're seeing something I'm not, I'm not sure why the AP hasn't called the race yet. #ElectionResults2021
I’ve gone through the entire state, there is no county or city I can find that still has a large number of uncounted votes. Those left to be reported are mostly a precinct or two in many places, some Republican, some Democrat. I don’t see how Terry McAuliffe finds 100,000+ votes.
Read 3 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
Polls close at 7 p.m.!

That means you have until 7 p.m. to:

🗳 Vote in-person
🗳 Be in line to vote in-person
🗳 Drop off your ballot in a drop box (NOT in the mail)
🗳 Register to vote

#copolitics #ElectionNight #Elections2021 #ElectionResults2021
Election results will begin coming in 7 p.m., but are not final until they've been certified...

...which the state plans to do on Nov. 29th, barring any recounts.
We're keeping track of results here. You can, too:
Read 9 tweets

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