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Nov 15th 2022
Jharkhand: Shahid Ansari, Arbaz Ansari, and four others abducted the #Hindu Minor girl on November 4, allegedly raped & forcibly converted to #Islam.

The minor girl was tracked in Bengaluru after a nationwide search.

This is happening non-stop in Bharat, this has to end now!
This is common thing in Pakistan & Bangladesh, this is how Hindu population was decimated and it is happening in India in a mass scale.

This is fully funded and backed by foreign & local religious bodies.

#BanConversion & #EndAllMinorityBenefits…
Ansaris arrived on two motorcycles, barged into girl’s house and forcefully took the girl with them.

The abduction was carried out in order to force the girl to convert her religion and marry Shahid, the victim`s parents told the police.
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