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Oct 6th 2020
Prof Mike Levin talking to us about the #physiology and #immunology of #COVID19 and #PIMSTS in #PedsICU

Generally children had a mild disease phenotype - then as the pandemic progressed more inflammatory disorders were seen and a new condition was created: PIMS-TS

Further investigation of the #COVID19 inflammatory response found 3 phenotypes - all had coronary artery disease, but not all needed #PedsICU

The new disease when compared to Kawasaki disease:
- higher CRP
- younger age
- higher ferritin
- lower lympocytes
- lower albumin
- lower haemoglobin

Shock patients:
- higher troponin
- higher BNP
- higher CRP

Read 7 tweets
Oct 6th 2020
Now @lyvonnetume answering the question for feeding children (or not) when they are on non-invasive ventilation...

It’s not should we... it should be how do we feed...

What does the data say already on the topic of feeding #PedsICU patients on non-invasive ventilation?

@lyvonnetume #EPCCS20
@lyvonnetume now describes the research her team have carried out to identify feeding practices and calorie target for #PedsICU on #NIV

Read 5 tweets

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