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Nov 17th 2019
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No spin lines
No empty slogans

Just the FACTS

From #nhs workers of what we’ve seen happen to #ourNHS over the past few years

The #ToriesTrackRecord speaks for itself

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#FactsNotSpin #NHScrisis

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These promises of “extra spending” we hear every year never materialise

The reality: An NHS underfunded by by 30% since 2010

That’s 30 BILLION / year short

The recent ‘cash injection’ promised by the Tories, is STILL under what the 4% needed to stop further decline

Dangerous staffing shortages across the NHS

40,000 nurses
10,000 Hospital DRs
7000 GPs

For years the govt have been warned about the worsening shortages

Their response:

Visa caps
Nursing bursary cut
Training budgets cut
Imposing unfair contracts on Junior DRs
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