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Feb 2nd 2023
While Westminster purchased and Installed Hepa Filters for Parliament in 2020 …. While MPs like Bridgen lied about Vaccines in debates and on Social Media, & parents were fined by Govt for non attendance in UKCovidUnsafeSchools 💥😱👇🤬
Now everyone knows why #ABrigden is lying his head off with Antivaxxer bollox on Twitter: to cover up the fatal errors by the Government he is still part of, backed by antivax AstroTurf groups like Hartgroup . #LyingToryScum
Read 11 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
I am so very fed up of all the lies and gaslighting that have been flowing on a river of effluence out of this government on a daily basis for 12 years now. The river has now turned into a flood as the Tories loose 82 years of pent-up hatred of the NHS. 🧵 /1
They have been steadily defunding it since 2010 and now they have almost succeeded in breaking it. Right-wing media calling for "change" (that's code for "fully privatise") and nurses and paramedics being demonized. /2
Every time you hear a Tory MP (or see a tweet from one) saying that "something" has to be done and talk about "charges" remember this: they, with their £millions, will not be the ones who suffer because they can't pay for medicines or treatment they or their family needs. /3
Read 9 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
I’m so fucking fed up of hearing stories of elderly people who are essentially being killed by science free, cruel visiting regimes in #ourNHS hospitals. Today I learned of a 93 year old Grandmother who has stopped eating & drinking since being in hospital but because she had 1/3
had a visit from her grandson that day her daughter was told she could not visit . She desperately needs help & encouragement to eat but the rules say only one visit per day. Why @nottmhospitals?!how can you justify this, it’s barbaric. @Tom_Randall this is happening to your 2/3
constituent and @SteveBarclay you are in charge of this. Get a bloody grip and sort it out.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 28th 2021
The parallels of how leaderships were stolen from @jeremycorbyn, @BernieSanders and others by the establishment are striking. These acts will go down in history as sabotaging democracy whilst making society more unfair and less prepared for pandemics, climate change and disasters
Read 31 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
Kerry Anne Mendoza made some
very good points this morning when she said the government is "Gaslighting" us all the time. They are treating us like mushrooms, keeping us in the dark and feeding us manure once a day, instead of being able to grow healthily and flourish. I believe
that the world is changing, let's face it since the turn of the year, lots of things have changed, yes we've lost some of our freedoms, but there is a fundamental change happening. #BlackLivesMatterUK is not just about police brutality, it's also about the economic and
institutional #racism of those in power over us, for example the way #Trump is handling the protests in America, he thinks that a show of force is going to work. Sorry Donald but I don't see it that way, you cannot stop a movement, the clue is in the word, a MOVEMENT is like
Read 9 tweets
Dec 2nd 2019
The Tories will always claim #NHSNotforSale but their politics and policies reveal the truth. A systematic fragmentation and privatisation of our service, against the will of the people. Don't #BackBoris or #VoteConservative unless you understand "privatisation by stealth" 🧵1/15
"Privatisation by stealth" is intentionally opaque because the Tories know they can't win votes while admitting the privatisation agenda. This agenda is set out in Conservative MP Oliver Letwin's paper "Britain's Biggest Enterprise ideas for radical reform of the NHS" 2/15
The document I reference is here:…
The title itself should ring alarm bells, most British people do not see healthcare as an enterprise but as a public system, we proudly contribute to provide a safety net for sick when they need it most. 3/15
Read 16 tweets
Nov 17th 2019
We’ve made a video 🎬

No spin lines
No empty slogans

Just the FACTS

From #nhs workers of what we’ve seen happen to #ourNHS over the past few years

The #ToriesTrackRecord speaks for itself

Please share
#FactsNotSpin #NHScrisis

Thread ⬇️

These promises of “extra spending” we hear every year never materialise

The reality: An NHS underfunded by by 30% since 2010

That’s 30 BILLION / year short

The recent ‘cash injection’ promised by the Tories, is STILL under what the 4% needed to stop further decline

Dangerous staffing shortages across the NHS

40,000 nurses
10,000 Hospital DRs
7000 GPs

For years the govt have been warned about the worsening shortages

Their response:

Visa caps
Nursing bursary cut
Training budgets cut
Imposing unfair contracts on Junior DRs
Read 7 tweets
Aug 19th 2019
A short thread on political integrity.

Or: how the prime minister just openly, repeatedly and brazenly lied to convince us of his pro-NHS credentials. (1/10)
12 days after becoming PM, @borisjohnson set out to convince you the NHS was his great priority.

His announcement of £1.8 billion of new money seemed so lavish, so generous, surely his commitment was genuine? (2/10)…
@BorisJohnson He doubled down on broadcasting his pro-NHS enthusiasm with multiple speeches, interviews and stage-managed hospital visits. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets

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