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Sep 24th 2022
The potential #criminal or perpetrator of protruding any suspicious action or decision based on heinous or harmful activity can be deterred by forcing them to weigh the consequences of mens rea & actus reus against the weight of punishments based on odds.
#bankers #roguetraders
Bad bankers are akin to criminals in any other walk of life.
We must broaden the domains of criminology and sociology, including psychology, to understand rogue and kleptomaniac behaviour among money managers in both the public and private sectors.
#Fincrime is ubiquitous
The most potent cocktail of crime is when Financial crimes aka #Fincrimes and Social Engineering taxonomy comes together, such as #Cybercrimes, to threaten legacy Management Information, Technology, Computer Engineering, Networking, and Private Data Systems Securities.
Read 11 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
#SBER Bank of #Russia was at least a giant on paper before the war began.
The downfall of this bank alone can bring down the Russian Economy.
Russia, irrespective of whatever comes out of the war, will suffer immensely.
But, such a nation, with precious resources, be closed down?
At least $300 bio plus reserves of Russia are frozen/impounded by foreign financial firms and government authorities due to sanctions.
What will be the consequences of this for other economies such as GCC Sheikdoms and Chinese that invest big time in overseas sovereign paper,etc?
For e.g. KSA earns around $1 Billion roughly every day from the export of oil.
A lot of that money is invested in overseas financial markets.
Other sovereign wealth funds in the GCC also invest petrodollars in large amounts across the world.
This impounding of reserves is a novel
Read 9 tweets

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