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Mar 23rd 2023
NEW from me @TheSpectator:

I’m at today’s long awaited @tiktok_us hearing, where the Communist spyware CEO is going to gaslight America

He’s now on on Cap Hill with a Socialist Congressman and a Biden-tied Mao lover's firm in his pockets…

(1/xx) Image
TikTok’s CEO is gearing up for a grilling in Congress, but he’s got some new, powerful allies in his corner: a political consulting firm whose founder lavished praise on Mao Zedong and is now one of Biden’s top aides — and a socialist congressman who……
Shou Zi Chew, the company’s CEO, is at @HouseCommerce, where Republicans are planning to press him on the national security concerns posed by the video app’s parent company ByteDance’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party.…

Read 97 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
@UncleArthur3 @NikkiFried @FloridaGOP didn’t steal anything in 2018 nor 2020.

@FlaDems lost, bigly.

@browarddems didn’t check the draft @BrowardVotes November 2018 General Election ballot to fix a ballot design flaw that caused a major undervote in the Senate race that @SenBillNelson narrowly lost.

@UncleArthur3 @NikkiFried @FloridaGOP @FlaDems @browarddems @BrowardVotes @SenBillNelson In 2018, @FlaDems passed on @GwenGraham in favor of @AndrewGillum, last seen in circumstances that would have embarrassed #Florida.

@FloridaGOP similarly passed on @adamputnam for @RonDeSantisFL.

Choices have consequences.

@UncleArthur3 @NikkiFried @FloridaGOP @FlaDems @browarddems @BrowardVotes @SenBillNelson @GwenGraham @AndrewGillum @adamputnam @RonDeSantisFL In 2020, @FlaDems were not fully supportive of uphill candidates in GOP-dominated districts, even though @NikkiFried offered to cover whatever was needed.

No Democratic name on the 2020 General Election ballot in #FL02 including Mexico Beach, hit by Hurricane Michael.

Read 5 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Now that we have the majority of the results from last night’s primaries, what are the next race progressive are looking at?

On August 18 there will be primaries in Alaska, Florida, and Wyoming. While these states are fairly red they are interesting and we could get some wins.
Note: These are just congressional candidates (there could be many state candidates who are not included).

Alaska this year has gone from a “Safe GOP” state to “Lean GOP” across the board, meaning it’s going to be pretty competitive.
For Alaska Senate we’re backing Al Gross. While Gross may not be a perfect progressive he is a strong candidate who could flip the seat and be an ally to progressives in the Senate (certainly worth looking at his campaign and platform).
Read 14 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
#Midterms2018 NOVEMBER 6, 2018!
Here’s a THREAD of all Democratic Candidates (w/ Photos, Twitter & Websites)
plus VOTER INFO with Links!
(*Graphics have GOP Incumbent's NRA Ratings*)
Register to Vote by OCTOBER 9th
Online Registration here:…
#MidtermElections NOV 6
Register by OCTOBER 9
Online here:…
DHSMV services:…
Other agencies:…
Check (& keep checking) your Registration here:…

Democratic Candidate for U.S. Senate #FLORIDA
DEM Incumbent Senator Bill Nelson

Register by October 9th
Early Voting Oct 27-Nov 3
Request Absentee Ballot by October 31 for mail, in-person by Nov 6

Read 36 tweets
Jul 24th 2018
You need to Register to Vote by JULY 30 to vote in the #PrimaryElection on AUGUST 28!
Online Voter Registration here:…

And here's a THREAD of all your Democratic Candidates (photos, Twitter & websites) plus Voter Info with Links!

Register to Vote Online here:…
DHSMV services:…
Other agencies:…
Check (and keep checking) your Registration here:…


Democratic Candidates for Congress in #Florida #FL01 #FL1

Phil Ehr

Jennifer Zimmerman

vs GOP incumbent Matt Gaetz (R)
Read 36 tweets

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