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May 13th 2020
1/ Real talk: we can (and should) dunk all day on the credulous fools & cynical grifters desperately pushing the #ObamaGate / #SubpoenaObama narrative, but it is if nothing else a bleak reminder that most of this country has no more than a 4th-grade understanding of basic civics.
2/ Obama had credible evidence--entirely apart from the Steele dossier, which also FWIW came from a credible source & had plenty of truth in it--that a Presidential campaign was, to some degree, coordinating with a foreign power. That's more than enough to open an investigation.
3/ #MichaelFlynn was known by then to be operating as an unregistered agent for Turkey, & involved in a plan to unlawfully kidnap a foreign national w/no criminal charges from the US for torture/imprisonment. Also in touch with Russia, for some reason? That's an investigation.
Read 17 tweets
May 11th 2020
#Obamagate #FlynnWasFramed
I've prior made a thread re A. McCabe's motive to want to take out @GenFlynn
Let's 🧐🧐into BHO's incentives - it doesn't seem to be reported WHY BHO was SO adamant on preventing Flynn being part of Trump admin!
Link in 3/6
"....rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) was the result of a “willful decision,”—not an intelligence failure—by the Obama Administration."
"...Pentagon and USIC believe that President Obama has committed clear impeachable crimes against the U.S. Constitution."
Quotes in 2/6 are from 2015 - almost a year after Gen. Flynn 'resigned' from DIA (pushed by BHO admin).
In 2015 Flynn had an interview with Al-Jazeera (above quotes included):…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 30th 2020
How rockstupid do you have to be to believe #FlynnExonerated/#FlynnWasFramed? Have you never seen 30 seconds of a single cop show?

Cops routinely set people up to lie. They can legally *lie to get them to lie.* Welcome to the USA.

You fucking children.

You absolute babies.
my stars, they were openly discussing whether or not they had to warn an adult man w/top security clearance who they already had on tape lying about a thing that it would be a crime to lie to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the same thing, my heavens, my fainting salts
I once had to sit through a painful immigration interview in which USCIS grilled my client *with video running* w/the express purpose of catching him in a demonstrable lie. Told client as soon as we walked in the room that this wasn't a game. He lied anyway. Fucking *life,* man
Read 11 tweets

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