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Mar 18th 2021
#FPLMatchups Mini Man City #GW29 Edition: GW29 Attackers
+ Little Prince Pick of the Week
Welcome back to FPL Matchups; my weekly think piece where I use my coaching lens to explore matchups in the #PL to gain some insight to navigate our #FPL decisions.

#FPLCommunity ♥️♻️🙏🏽
Before I begin, I must warn you that only 3 of the top 20 FPL assets over the past 6 GWs are forwards, and one of them is Iheanacho. Only 8 of the top 20 are MIDs while more than half (11) are defenders or GKs. This trend towards more productive defense was predicted by
@FPLMariner’s attack and defense FDRs weeks ago. Currently, on a scale from 0 to 7 where 0 is best and 7 is worst, there are 17 teams w/ and offensive rating above 3.0 (remember the greater the number, the worse it is). Conversely, only 11 DEF rankings are above 3.0.
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