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Nov 29th 2022
#China #ChinaProtests #ChinaUprising #ChinaProtest2022 #GreatReset #GlobalGoals #Globalists #FtheWEF #CovidPsyOp

What are we REALLY under threat from?
What are protesters around the world REALLY losing their LIVES for RESISTING?

Read 6 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Picture this:

Together in one opulent room...

- Chinese President
- US President
- Russian Foreign Minister
- WEF Chairman
- Various Heads of State
- Friends from the UN
- Heavy-hitting philanthropists

And they all agree to collaborate on a single, grand plan.

👇🧵 Image
Setting aside their differences, they decide to cooperate.

They're going to make the world a safer, healthier, cleaner place.

Out of the goodness of their hearts...

They're going to fix the problems with the food supply, energy generation, and financial systems.

Read 12 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
This is the scariest thing you will read all year.

In 2016 Ida Auken (IA). A current member of the Danish parliament and Young Global Leader.

Wrote an article called "Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better".

This is how it starts... Image
(IA) - "Welcome to my city - or should I say, our city. I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes -everything you considered a product, has now become a service"
Any clothes, appliances or devices will now be ordered and delivered to your doorstep within minutes by someone or something

But like she said it isn't just items we will sacrifice...It's even our houses
Read 22 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
🚨Here's how the WEF takes your FREEDOM by 2030!!

The World Economic Forum claims they are "committed to improving the state of the world" but the technology they want to implement by 2030 paints a VERY VERY different picture.

Let's investigate this dystopian future (MEGA🧵)
First, before we get into exposing the WEFs tyranny, you need to know that ALL info in this is directly related to the WEF in some way.

So let's get into the WEFs first scary prediction on what is going to happen to your money by 2030.
The WEF sees cash as "risky" because it is vulnerable to "errors, fraud and theft"

They are urging that we need an alternative, what is this alternative? You're looking at a central bank digital currency or CDBC for short.

What is this CBDC?
Read 31 tweets

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