(or 'Your Grandfather Died For The International Criminal Cabal')
Part 1 of 3 [parts 2 & 3 below 👇]
#Churchill #WinnieTheJoo #ZioAgent
'Who Pays The Piper Calls The Tune' ✡️
Part 2 of 3 [part 1 above👆 part 3 below 👇]
Apr 7, 2024 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
Cleon Peterson - "art"
- a world where blacks beat, torture, rape, stab, impale and mercilessly victimize (mostly naked) white people..
🧵1 of 6
LEFT: original, narrative-approved and 'celebrated' version!
RIGHT: simply reversed 'unacceptably racist', probably illegal version
Cleon Peterson - "art"
- a world where blacks beat, torture, rape, stab, impale and mercilessly victimize (mostly naked) white people..
🧵2 of 6
LEFT: original, narrative-approved and 'celebrated' version!
RIGHT: simply reversed 'unacceptably racist', probably illegal version
PREDICTION (a poorly-informed musing, really.. I don't know :D): Dollar system will finally collapse and CBDC will be passed into law in December of this year.
100 years ago:
on December 23, 1913 (2023), the Senate passed
and President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.
The need for a central bank became painfully evident during the financial panic of 1907 (2007), when the stock market collapsed, banks failed, and credit evaporated.
The Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is an unofficial phrase used to describe the relationship between government entities (namely defense) and defense-minded manufacturers/organizations.)
It is seen as a vested interest which influences public policy, as both sides benefit - one side from obtaining war weapons, and the other from being paid to supply them.
96 AD
And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the kings from the east could march their armies toward the west without hindrance.
1/4 What became of the G20 leaders who met in 2008 to avert financial crisis?
A look at their fortunes and how their countries coped with the worst financial collapse since the 1930s