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Mar 10th 2023
#Gerigate confirms that 55,000 elderly were involuntarily euthanised in care homes in the UK on the orders of @MattHancock and @drlukeevans ....

But there is one other place where we know the elderly died when they shouldn't have.

Victoria, Australia.
Here is the data. In July - August 2020 something happened in Victoria, Australia that DID NOT HAPPEN IN ANY OTHER STATE.


How could there be a "second wave" in the state of Victoria and no other state in Australia?

"Lockdowns" didn't stop any other waves - in any case, Victoria followed the CCP model because @DanielAndrewsMP mortgaged the state to the CCP…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
I sincerely hope #BatBumEddie - who has me blocked - has a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is another day of testimony.

I wonder if anyone, at any point, is going to ask his best buddy #WuhanDom what he had to do with the cover up?
Read 12 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
On the 14th Feb 2021 .@drlukeevans promoted propaganda from the @RCObsGyn saying that there was no mechanism to induce infertility

It was a lie and the data showing deposition of LNP in the ovaries was already available to the MHRA

Luke Evans should respond. I have questions.
All this information was available to the government via the @MHRAgovuk at the time that statement was made.

It was not available to the public until the damage was done.

A 15% drop in UK birth rates shows the lie.

The mechanism was known.…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
The #gerigate and #ECMOgate scandals just keep on coming.

In 2020 there were 32,000 less cancers diagnosed in the UK than there should have been.

Instead of being investigated for suspected cancer, they were given #midazolam

Remember to clap. Every Thursday. Overall numbers of cancer diagnoses (excluding non-melanoma
Note there were 72,000 "COVID" deaths in 2020 - about 0.1% of the population.

The drop in cancers was about 10%

Therefore the COVID deaths could not account for the drop in cancers, assuming they were independent.
Data source is embedded in the graphic but in case you missed it…
Read 6 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
Scandal after scandal is emerging of the abject lack of care for #COVID19 in the elderly and their mass euthanasia.

Now we find out that the #gerigate doctors didn't want to hear the noises they made -so gave other drugs.
@TDBSubstack The hyoscine was used to dry out the secretions of the elderly who were drowning in them.

Imagine the suffering.

Midazolam is not an anaesthetic. It is a sedative.

This needs a public enquiry. Medical records need to be audited.

@CQCProf do your job. Image
Read 3 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
Very bad cheese 🧀🧀

Do you now understand the mentality of the elites and #pushers who are running to justify the involuntary euthanasia of the elderly "for the common good".

Just like the authors of the common good ideology.

#gerigate @Johnincarlisle
The "common good" ideology is Hitler's. And Mao's. And Stalin's. And Pot's.

The idea of radical socialist philosophy is to sell you the utopia of "free healthcare" and remove the infirm.

"You'll own nothing and be happy"…
The scary thing is that these people don't even hide it. They believe (as clearly many doctors and judges now do) that your opinion is "stupid" and the correct opinion is theirs.

That's why they are the elite.…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
Harold Shipman is dancing on Alexander Fleming's grave.

All they needed was #3tablets antibiotics and standard post-viral pneumonia care.

Instead, UK GPs were told to euthanise them - care of @NICEComms death protocol

Why did you delete this document?

#NG163 was released in April 2020 telling GPs to administer these 3 euthanising drugs to the elderly, instead of admitting them to hospital OR giving $1 work of antibiotics


Guess what they did Image

There was never a "pandemic of COVID mortality"
There was a pandemic of Harold Shipman.


Read 12 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Every person involved in these videos lied to the public about hospitals being inundated while their lies meant granny was given Midazolam instead of going to hospital with a treatable kidney infection or pneumonia.

They locked the elderly out so they could dance.

This is damning, even though Amnesty don't understand at the time of this report that "covid" was mostly treatable.

They locked elderly out of hospitals while they danced.

Then you had to clap for them.…
Read 4 tweets
Feb 8th 2023

This is the data for midazolam prescribing from the UKs official prescriber database

I have no words.
#3tablets #democide
@chrismartenson @Fynnderella1 @EWoodhouse7 @jjcouey…
Each line represents a UK region
@chrismartenson @Fynnderella1 @EWoodhouse7 @jjcouey What needs to happen now is an audit needs to be undertaken of deaths in care homes where midazolam usage was high. If the patients that died were given midazolam instead of antibiotics in March - May 2022, criminal charges must be laid.

But who created the policy?
@chrismartenson @Fynnderella1 @EWoodhouse7 @jjcouey Just a note that the chart above is created from the GP prescriber database.

Therefore it should not be impacted by any increase in ICU admission or specific use for ventilation.

This looks to be solely for use in nursing homes and at home.

Harold Shipman style. Image
Read 10 tweets

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