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7 common types of vaginal discharge and what to do if you have any

1. Yellowish
2. Brown
3. Green
4. Pink
5. Thin white
6. Thick white
7. Creamy grey

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#FitMarch #Day2 #GetActiveGetHealthy
Yellowish vaginal discharge with or without a smell, may be a sign of;

- bacterial infection, or
- sexually transmitted infection (STI), like Trichomoniasis

If you have this discharge, don't waste further time. See your health care provider for evaluation & treatment.
Brown vaginal discharge may be due to;

- irregular menstrual cycles
- uterine cancer, or
- cervical cancer

In fact, brown discharge in a woman after menopause is often an early sign of cancer of the uterus.

It's a sign you shouldn't joke about. See your doctor if you have it.
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Everybody should see this.

#FitMarch #Day1 #GetActiveGetHealthy
What excuse do you have for not working out? Join us!

#FitMarch #Day1 #GetActiveGetHealthy
Nahida is 88 and half years. She still works out and is this fit & healthy. What excuse do you have?
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Ladies & gents,
March will be our fitness month!πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Dedicate 25 to 30 minutes each day to exercise. Morning or evening. At home or gym.

I'll be posting content to encourage us to work out using #FitMarch & #GetActiveGetHealthy!

Here's how to join us:
{Pls share}
1. Ensure you work out at least 25 - 30 minutes every day in March.

2. Post at least 1 tweet every day in March, sharing your exercise experience (pictures, videos, texts, etc) to encourage others.

3. Use #GetActiveGetHealthy & #FitMarch in your posts

4. Tag at least 2 people.
March has 31 days. I know some of us have really tight schedules & #FitMarch might not be easy.

But remember, don't be too busy not to have time to look after your health.

Squeeze out just 25 to 30 minutes out of your 24 hrs for your own wellbeing. #GetActiveGetHealthy
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