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Jun 26th 2018

Big Picture TOC:

‘The whole mess of RU hacking, CA, the Trump & Leave Campaigns was not only a coup but an unprecedented shorting of the market through mass manipulation of the electorate w/ the aim of controlling not only geopolitics but the financial markets too’

Mueller’s RU probe will reach a “wild” level over the next couple of months, said Mark Warner

Court docs allegeTrump SoHo condominiums in the building were purchased using funds linked to a massive fraud case in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

Mueller nabs E. Prince's phones, computer & is said to be cooperating.

What does the British gov’t know about 45 & RU? Quite a lot, actually!

For the UK the choice over whether to back Mueller & the rule of law or the thug Putin & TOC, the choice is a no brainer.
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