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May 1st 2021
#InternationalWorkersDay honors the immigrant organizers unfairly convicted of conspiracy for participating in a wave of worker protests known as the Great Upheaval throughout the 1800s.

But #MayDay's history reaches back farther, and its demands are yet to be fully met.

1/13 Red and green graphic with a photo of a May Poll next to a p
Agricultural workers throughout Europe (pagan peasants) have celebrated #MayDay as a day too holy to work since at least the 4th century; which is when #Beltane, as some called it, was first mentioned in Irish literature.

2/13 Red, black, and green graphic reads: It was always a celebra
#MayDay was a time workers put away their tools & gathered flowers, danced, feasted, held ceremony, built fires, shared libations, and celebrated community.🌻💃🔥

Because workers weren't grinding away making profits for a boss, many May Day celebrations were criminalized.

3/13 Red, black, and green graphic reads: In 1550 an Act of Parli
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