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Oct 12th 2021
The Texas House will be debating the proposed map for their 150 legislative districts, #HB1, & at least 70 floor amendments soon.

See the quoted tweet for their starting point.

Here are the pre-filed amendments:…

We'll be live-tweeting on this🧵. #txlege
While we wait for floor debate, take a look at our video primer below for how the latest Texas House plan impacts different regions, partisanship, and control of the lower chamber in the upcoming election cycles. #txlege #redistricting
Right before the session gets really started today, Speaker @DadePhelan administers the oath of office for new #HD10 state Rep. @brianeharrison. This will bring the body to 149 members w/1 vacancy in the pending #HD118 runoff. #txlege
Read 211 tweets
Oct 4th 2021
#Redistricting cmte hearings today.

Senate will be voting on #SB6, proposed congressional maps, & amendments. Stream:…

House will be hearing #HB1, proposed state House maps, cmte amendments & surprisingly voting it out today. Live-tweeting here. #txlege
Redistricting Chair @toddahunter said the plan (PLANH2101) creates a new AfAm majority district & 2 new Hispanic majority districts (38 total).

Hunter also claims the new House maps were drawn w/out using CVAP (estimated citizenship voting age population). #txlege #HB1
Read 52 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
Texas suburbs are ground zero in the fight for the White House, control of Congress, and the fight for the leadership of the Texas State House. See the results of Reform Austin’s latest poll. #txlege #tx2020 1/…
RA News polled 22 battleground House districts, incl. 5 won by Dems in 2018 (#HD45, #HD65, #HD102, #HD132, #HD135) & 17 that House Ds identified as targets in 2020. The districts are mostly suburban & exurban in the Austin, Houston, DFW & Killeen–Temple metros. #txlege 2/
If the election were to be held today, President Trump would win in only 5 out of 22 districts polled by RA News. Former VP Joe Biden would take 7 districts. The remainder are a toss-up, with neither candidate having the support of at least 50% of those polled. #txlege 3/ Image
Read 13 tweets

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