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May 25th 2020
The Food processing industry is trying its best to come up with solutions to your snacking.
No doubt they are ready to eat, no cooking required,easy to carry and better than fried savouries, biscuits & sweets but still can't beat the fresh stuff. ( 1/3 )
#HealthySnacks #EatFresh Image
These ready to eat packaged stuff might provide just 100 calories (in a small serving) but are laden with salt,few have high-fat % & all are HIGH CALORIE DENSE and do not provide SATIETY at all. ( 2/3)
#eathomemade #FoodWithHighSatietyIndex
I advise fresh stuff which not only fills you up but at the same time provides quality nutrition.
Have boiled chickpea or kidney beans salad , sprouts,sweetcorn chaat,roasted chana,steamed dhokla, fermented idli,nuts and seeds,whole eggs,etc.
#HealthySnacks #eatlessprocessedfood
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Nov 6th 2019
Nuts can be seeds/fruits/legumes with a hard shell.(Eg.cashews,almonds,walnuts,peanuts,etc)
Dry Fruits however are essentially dried versions of actual fruits once the water in them has dried up(dates,raisins,figs,cranberries,etc)#NutsVsDryFruits #Facts #healthysnacks #diet(1/3) ImageImage
Although nuts and dried fruits both are storehouses of nutrients but at the same time are calorie dense. A limited intake of dried fruits ( 10-15 gms ) and nuts ( 25-30gms) per day is generally recommended. #NutsVsDryFruits #Facts #healthysnacks #diettips ( 2/3)
Those aiming #weightloss, patients with #diabetes,heart ailments,high TG,edema and PCOS, Nuts are advised but restricted on dried fruits as they are high in sugar content.#diettip #facts #NutsVsDryFruits
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