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Oct 16th 2021
My task this weekend, ahead of the heat and buildings strategy launch and #cop26 is to show the work involved in installing a #heatpump and #lowtemp heating. To get to #netzero you don't have to have a heat pump, but you will need low temp heating and an energy efficient home 1/9
Firstly, even if you get a hydrogen or electric boiler, you are going to need to run your heating cooler in the less cold weather and hotter in the colder weather. This saves energy and is called weather compensation. For some this will mean bigger radiators and larger pipes 2/9
Just to stress, #lowtemp heating, running the water in your heating system between 30-50 degrees instead of 70-80 (with good home insulation) is going to be needed in EVERY home to reach #NetZero. This will actually make your home more comfortable and still as hot as you like 3/9
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