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Dec 28th 2022
A thread on my home’s heat pump performance during the recent Colorado cold spell. There will be data and #Chartz and grid context! But the TL;DR – My system performed great! But did use lots of power. #heatpump (1/n)
Context: I gone the full #ElectrifyEverything! My 2400 sq ft townhouse has a Mitsubishi heat pump with resistance backup running in a ducted system. My @span_io electric panel monitors everything. See previous thread. (2/n)
It was cold last week, below -10°F in Boulder! So how did my system do? Most importantly, it kept my home comfortable. This chart show temperatures, set points, and power use. (3/n)
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Nov 16th 2022
Very excited to rip out our fossil #gas furnace and replace it with a cold climate air-source #heatpump this week. New system is more affordable, efficient and comfortable and will end our household dependance on fossil fuels. Disconnect #gas #electrifyeverything #ClimateCrisis
I'll be sure to post details, photos (and eventually household energy data) through the process.
obligatory photo of trashed old #gas furnace (and water leaking from its poorly installed drain connection) Image
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Sep 3rd 2022
So they are resulting to bribing people to accept #fracking in their communities. 25% of your energy bill but kids might develop #leukaemia, grandparents lives might be cut short and then there is #CimateChange & health damaging NO2 #AirPollution from just burning gas.
Children living near oil and gas fracking have higher risk of leukaemia, study finds…
Living near #fracking sites raises risk of premature death for elderly, US study finds… #health
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Mar 22nd 2022
UK PM @BorisJohnson will soon set out an energy security strategy. The biggest, quickest action 🇬🇧 can take to wean itself off Russian gas and expensive #FossilFuels is to invest in home #EnergyEfficiency and renewables. AN ENERGY SECURITY STARTS AT HOME TOP 10 FACTS THREAD 🧵
Fact 1/ Nearly 90% of the increase in bills over the last year is due to the rising price of gas, which has more than tripled over the same period. Most of the remaining increase is the cost of suppliers going bust.…
Fact 2/ The UK has the oldest, most poorly insulated housing stock in western Europe, and over 85% of our homes are connected to the gas grid – leaving UK families sharply exposed to the volatility of international gas markets.…
Read 17 tweets
Oct 20th 2021
Hey, maybe we should all install one of these in our homes?🤔 A heat pump!
A heat pump extracts heat from the cold outside air and transfers it inside our home...
- @ThisOldHouse

#HeatPump #HomeHeating #Heating #furnace #airconditioning #EnergyEfficiency
In depth Explination, like really in depth; by Technology Connections

#HeatPump #HeatPumps #HomeHeating #Heating #furnace #elecricity #EnergyEfficiency #Energy
... To this end, a compressor inside the device uses electricity to increase the temperature of the heat extracted from the outside air. The heat pump can also provide cooling by transferring warm indoor air to the outside.…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 19th 2021
Lots of #heatpump chat today.. The £450m pot to provide £5k subsidies for climate friendly heat pumps is enough to convert the heating systems of 90k homes over three years - or around 0.3% of all homes. Which won’t make a dent in our CO2 emissions. @BorisJohnson
We have 20 years to do 100%. This is a covid like gamble and economic nonsense. Heat pumps have a 5 to 10 year payback on a large upfront cost. Similar to solar panels that have taken 20 years to reach about 8% of homes when we ought to be at 25%. We need #ClimateActionNow
So do the maths. 0.1 percent a year 20 years 2%. We need to install at 50 times this rate for 2 decades and most homes will also need a huge insulation upgrade or they wont work. How many can afford the up front investment? Experience with solar suggests about 10% #ToryShambles
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Oct 16th 2021
My task this weekend, ahead of the heat and buildings strategy launch and #cop26 is to show the work involved in installing a #heatpump and #lowtemp heating. To get to #netzero you don't have to have a heat pump, but you will need low temp heating and an energy efficient home 1/9
Firstly, even if you get a hydrogen or electric boiler, you are going to need to run your heating cooler in the less cold weather and hotter in the colder weather. This saves energy and is called weather compensation. For some this will mean bigger radiators and larger pipes 2/9
Just to stress, #lowtemp heating, running the water in your heating system between 30-50 degrees instead of 70-80 (with good home insulation) is going to be needed in EVERY home to reach #NetZero. This will actually make your home more comfortable and still as hot as you like 3/9
Read 10 tweets
Feb 6th 2021
Aware that #heatpumps are currently costly and difficult to fit, but this article is neither objective, nor factual. Error 1: "When it comes to winter warming, you can't beat gas central heating.". Fact: Low temp heating with a heat pump is more comfortable than with a gas boiler
Error 2 "some of the new-style kit can't heat the UK's cold, draughty houses." Ignoring that some of our old-style kit can't heat our draughty houses and we have the worst #fuelpoverty in Europe. Fact #heatpumps can heat draughty houses, but why would you want to? Fix the homes.
Error 3: "Hydrogen lobbyists say it can travel through existing pipes - at least until it reaches the home." Key words there (apart from the 2nd) are the last 7. Presents #heatpumps as disruptive, which the installation can be, but then glosses over replacing internal gas pipes.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 29th 2021
A cautionary tale here. It shows the need for the HVAC2.0 process. @energysmartohio

Accurate load calculations for many existing homes will show a #heatpump is the best tool for the job.
I recently re-tested a home I improved 10 years ago. The owner likes to lower bills and wanted to see if there's anything else worth doing to the house, but it turns out he had some comfort complaints as well.
10 years ago - we made this 1500sf 1960s house 40% more air tight and insulated the attic and crawlspaces. For reference, the air tightness and attic insulation would meet current building codes but the walls and foundation would not.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
(1/4) There has been a lot of chat this week about the cost of #retrofit #heatpump installs. Here's an installer's view on the three types of costs that drive it - 1. Costs that won't change 2. Costs that intervention could change 3. Costs that will change as the market grows.
(2/4) The first time you retrofit a #heatpump it will always be more expensive than a new gas boiler. You have to put in a new hot water tank, run pipework outside, build a base for the heat pump, ensure radiators and pipework are adequate. These costs vary from house to house.
(3/4) There are also costs that government action could reduce: streamline the process to connect to the electricity grid; invest in training installers; mandate low temp boiler installs; make the planning conditions more sensible (1m from property boundary, why 😡?)
Read 5 tweets
May 1st 2020
With the release of the consultation on the Clean Heat Grant Scheme this week, I thought it'd be worth sharing some analysis we've produced at @Ecuity_UK. How does the CHGS stack up compared to similar schemes internationally and will it be enough? A thread #lowcarbonheat (1/9)
UK heat pump deployment per capita lags behind the majority of European markets. Action is needed and the shift to upfront grant potentially simplifies the consumer offering and increases deployment. I'm personally a big fan of upfront payments vs spreading payments out. (2/9)
The £4k flat grant is larger than most grants from similar schemes in European markets. (Leaky UK homes = larger #heatpump = increased cost). So interest could be high, but overall deployment depends on the total funding available. (3/9)
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Jan 7th 2020
Final commissioning today by Darren from Vaillant @mark_vaillant for this #heatpump #solarpv setup. Few walkthrough videos...
This is the outdoor unit on its gravel base and fridge pipework boxed in along the fence through the garden. #heatpump
This is the pipework, indoor unit and buffer in a big cupboard in the hall. Should have hoovered up first, though 😉
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Oct 16th 2018
Today @SynapseEnergy released a new report commissed by @NRDC on the opportunities and challenges for decarbonizing heating in #California buildings. Here is a quick summary thread.
CA's buildings are responsible for 25% of the state's #GHG #emissions and more than half of those already come from combusion furnaces and water heaters.
Switching to efficient electric heat & hot water will have a significant impact on reducing gas use in California buildings. As CA’s electric grid shifts toward clean, #renewable energy sources, #emissions from electric heat will continue to drop.
Read 16 tweets

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