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Most recents (2)

May 3rd 2022
1) Welcome to a #tweetorial on what every #ICU #nurse should know about #hypertensive crisis, or #hypertensive #emergency as it is now more properly termed. I’m Bryan Boling @bryanboling, ICU #NP, & co-host of the @icuscenarios podcast. Follow this 🧵for 🆓CE/#CME credit!
2) This accredited educational activity is intended for healthcare providers & is supported by grants from AstraZeneca, Bayer, & Chiesi. Faculty disclosures Like ❤️this topic? More CE/#CME on #hypertension mgt at….
3) So let's start with a case: 65yo ♂️, presents to the #ED with #headache, lethargy & confusion. PMH: #HTN, #hyperlipidemia, #DM2, COPD. Initial VS: HR 85, BP 205/120, T 37.2 RR 12, SpO2 92% on RA. Family reports that he has been more lethargic over the past 2 days.
Read 37 tweets
Oct 30th 2019
24 y/o w/ h/o of Crohn’s Disease presents w/ worsening fatigue, weakness & dizziness. He has mild abdominal pain, but no signs of bleeding. No transfusion history. Infliximab was discontinued for autoimmune hepatitis. Hb/Hct = 4.4/13.5. 👇🏽Check out his peripheral smear below.
🤨Since you are the Heme/Onc Fellow on-call, you are 📟paged to consult on this patient’s anemia. What are the first labs you would order to assess #hemolysis?
#Blooducation #BBRounds #PathTweetorial
🔎When suspecting a hemolytic anemia, 4 hemolytic indexes can help you quickly determine the etiology of the patient's bleeding.
📰🧪Our patient’s lab results: LDH= 408, Hapto<8, IndBili =3.8 %Retic >30% which indicate a hemolytic anemia with adequate bone marrow response.
Read 10 tweets

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