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Jul 15th 2019
1. #Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners. @SpeakerPelosi @RepAlGreenTX @thehill @jaketapper @ShepNewsTeam Since all 4 #Congresswomen of color (@AOC @IlhanMN @RepPressley @RashidaTlaib) are #AmericanCitizens, they are NOT foreigners. Rather, #45, in his umpteenth demonstration of
2. his own woeful ignorance, is foolishly equating non-white #European descent w foreignness. Therefore, his #tweet was #racist.
BTW, @realDonaldTrump #MAGA, ur campaign slogan, is itself a criticism of America: If you honestly think America is already "the greatest and most
3. powerful Nation on earth," why do you need to make it great again?
#IllogicalPOTUS #unfitPOTUS #impeachNOW…
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