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May 20th 2023
This is the FORMATION of #MassPsychosis on full display.

If you don't "join in," and go along with all this "fun," then you're an outsider, not one of the #InCrowd. It begins in kindergarten and continues through college.

It is #HumanNature to want to be part of the in crowd.
My guess is that every one of these were posted in the past 3 years.

I'm reminded of the beautiful young doctor who was not part of the in crowd, and took her own life after witnessing the corruption and the ease with which everyone just went along with the #NewNormal of
systematically eliminating people by apply practices that went against everything they were taught as standard protocol.

#RunDeathIsNear, #Ventilators denying patients final vistitation with their family and loved ones. And now those crimes are all but forgotten as covid
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