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Feb 6th 2023
Aakash Bhadana, Vasu Kaushik and Rahul Gupta from Haryana have created ‘Caeli’, a smart automated drug delivery and anti-pollution mask for respiratory patients.⁠

#infosysfoundation #innovation #awards #Aarohan #aarohaninnovationawards #education #healthcare #innovators
#AarohanReturns #aarohanisback
Patients dealing with respiratory diseases are at maximum risk from air pollution. According to statistics by WHO, more than 90% of the global population today breathes toxic air & air pollution is the reason for over 7 million deaths every year.⁠
#Caeli is a smart, automated drug delivery and anti-pollution mask for #asthmatic and other chronic respiratory patients. It can significantly improve the quality of life for #respiratory patients living or travelling in polluted areas.⁠
Read 7 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
“I realised that college was all about the grades and getting a job. I wanted to do more with my life and find my purpose,” said Gade.

#infosysfoundation #innovation #awards #Aarohan #aarohaninnovationawards #education #healthcare #innovators
#AarohanReturns #aarohanisback
Working day-and-night working in labs, Gade was completely absorbed in it until he met a seven-year-old girl in Pune who was born without arms.

“In our country, it is sad how people label a physically disabled girl - that she is not eligible for marriage.
I did not want this girl to be in that position. So, I decided to help her out with prosthetic arms. When I approached some of the hospitals, I was shocked to learn about the whopping costs,” Gade exclaims, adding that it costs about Rs 12 lakhs for one hand.
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