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Feb 12th 2022
Today marks 20 yrs of #remission from #Crohns. For some #IBD patients, remission feels like an elusive thing. I get it, I’ve had my share of time in the #ICU. I’m extremely fortunate that #Remicade has worked this long. Many people must switch meds to find a lasting solution. 1/n
The last 20 yrs haven’t come w/o complications. A sustained high quality of life was worth the trade offs that come with #biologics. I lived with recurrent infections and a #cancer diagnosis. Was it challenging? Yes. Was it better than living with flares? Absolutely. 2/n
There isn’t a day that I don’t think of those that weren’t as lucky. Alex Davidson, Ty Redler, Lacey Conners and Lindsey D’Ercole were younger than me and have since passed from IBD complications. In spite of some survivor’s guilt, I do my best to keep their memory alive.💜 3/n
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Feb 13th 2019
I had the honor of kicking off the student-organized "Where Are the Women?" conference at Wheaton. My chapel message was on the prodigal son and my question was this: How do we read scripture when we don't see ourselves represented in it?
And yes, I sang Hamilton with great gusto while preaching in chapel at Wheaton College 😁 #intheroomwhereithappens
And here's a link to the absolutely beautiful prayer/poem by Rachel Asproth over @CBEInt that I adapted for the end of my message #rememberyourdaughters…
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