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Sep 19th 2019
#Abqaiq #IranTerrorism

1️⃣ Questions like that seem to be fair but they’re not, this is a deliberate or non-deliberate failure of media outlets that express different ideologies rather than facts and technical outlook.



2️⃣ Such questions send a negative message without considering characteristics of various defensive weapons, and suggest a complete failure and absolute loss of control, as well as an absurd message that defense systems are useless.

#ThinkArabian #Abqaiq

3️⃣ Well, I do not claim to be a military specialist, researcher or expert, I am an ordinary person analyzing the data I have before me to draw logical results.

#ThinkArabian #Abqaiq

Read 31 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
Two Individuals Charged for Acting as Illegal Agents of the Government of Iran… "collecting identifying information about American citizens and U.S. nationals who are members of the group Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK)" #terrorism #IranProtests #IranTerrorism
Lots of details in the affidavits; how well-trained the Iranian agents were & how they tried to conceal their entire spying operation. Unfortunately many years of appeasement policy has emboldened the regime to extend its #terrorism to the American soil…
And here is the statement by the NCRI which has been the main target of the Iranian regime's spying and terror plot. It’s time to expel the agents of Iran’s MOIS and Quds Force operating under various covers in the U.S. & Europe.…
Read 4 tweets

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