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Apr 28th 2023
JUST IN - A special CBI Court acquitting actor #SoorajPancholi in the Jiah Khan case observed,

"No doubt, it is an unfortunate incidence that young girl has committed suicide. The available evidence on record reflects..

#JiahKhan #SoorajPancholi
...that the deceased was a victim of her sentiments. She could not overcome her emotions."

#JiahKhan #SoorajPancholi
"At the relevant time, the accused was pursuing his career in acting and admittedly could not devote sufficient time for the deceased. However, on the earlier occasion, when the deceased tried to commit suicide the accused had saved her."

#JiahKhan #soorajpancholi
Read 20 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
[Jiah Khan Death Case]

Today, nearly a decade after actor Jiah Khan was found dead in her apartment, a Sessions Court in Mumbai is likely to decide the case against actor Sooraj Pancholi, accused of abetting her suicide.

#JiahKhan #SoorajPancholi @Sooraj9pancholi Image
Verdict to be pronounced by Judge AS Sayyed at 12.30pm.

#JiahKhan #JiahkhanVerdictToday #SoorajPancholi
Special CBI presides to pronounce the verdict.

#SoorajPancholi #JiahKhan #JiahKhanVerdictToday
Read 7 tweets
Jan 11th 2022
To keep public-faith alive in judiciary, constitution, system, & democracy..

Hon. .@indSupremeCourt .@rashtrapatibhvn .@PMOIndia Intervene #CBI #ED #NCB for taking rigorous actions against the culprits who brutally killed SSR-DISHA &Team!

CBISilence 4 SSR Is Complicity
Are Aditya Thackeray, Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Suraj Pancholi, Sachin Vaze, Dino Morea, Karan Johar, Imtiaz Khatri, Sarad-Uddhav-Param & Dawood gang above the 🇮🇳judiciary?

.@SCofInd .@rashtrapatibhvn .@SubodhJaiswal96 .@ips_nupurprasad

CBISilence 4 SSR Is Complicity
Thousands of circumstantial evidences & eyewitnesses are screaming, since 07th & 14th June 2020, that Both Disha Salian & Sushant Singh Rajput, along with his team, were horrendously assassinated in a well pre-conspired way by "underworld led

CBISilence 4 SSR Is Complicity
Read 25 tweets
Jul 30th 2020
1. Someone has to say it!! #BhattFamily = SUICIDE GANG
How can we forget the fact that every celebrity who reportedly committed suicide out of 'depression' was either linked to Mahesh Bhatt or Mukesh Bhatt? #SushantDeathMystery #JiahkhanwasMurdered
2. It is so weird that all the Bollywood 'Mysterious Deaths' from #ParveenBabi to #JiahKhan and now #Sushant are linked to these Bhatts - the SUICIDE GANG. Isn't it #MaheshBhatt who always cooked up stories in every case accusing them to be schizophrenic?
3. Bhatts the Suicide Gang very strategically planted people (#Rhea in Sushants case, #SoorajPancholi in Jiah's Case & #MaheshBhatt himself in Parveen's) to torture them, rob them either of their sanity or money or career and then kill them!
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
Even if #SushantSingh took his own life, he was repeatedly intentionally harmed by the nepotists of Bollywood. For example, he had to beg for people to see his film personally due to it being able to release only on fewer screens.

#RheaChakraborty #MaheshBhatt Image
#MaheshBhatt tried to colour the situation as if #SushantSinghRajput's death was psycho or crazy. Mahesh Bhatt said "he saw it coming"…
#SushantSingh's movie #Sonchiriya was mysteriously playing "in a dubbed voice" in some theatres despite there being no dubbing.… Image
Read 21 tweets

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