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May 11th 2023
The conversation about #SouthAfrica's looming #electricitycrisis HAS to include coal.

Here's why: 🧡🧡 Image

Our energy sector is the πŸ₯ˆ highest Green House Gas emitter of all the World's Industrializing countries (the G20) πŸ₯²πŸŒπŸ₯². Coal is responsible for roughly 85% of our energy generation 🀯.


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Coal is becoming less #efficient πŸ“‰
Its increasing Energy Return on Investment (or EROI) means that a higher energy input is needed to generate electricity!
The exact opposite of #renewable energyβ˜˜οΈβ€¦ πŸ™„πŸ™„

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May 10th 2023
The conversation about #SouthAfrica's looming #electricitycrisis HAS to include coal.

Why? Let's have a look 🧡🧡🧡 Image
Our energy sector has the πŸ₯ˆ highest Green House Gas emissions of any the World's Industrializing countries (the G20) πŸ₯²πŸŒπŸ₯². Coal is responsible for roughly 85% of our energy generation 🀯. #GHG

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Coal is now less #efficient πŸ“‰
The amount of energy required to get coal to create electricity is now higher, so basically nowadays… it’s giving us back less than before!
The exact opposite of #renewablesβ˜˜οΈβ€¦πŸ™„πŸ™„

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