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May 28th 2023

Scientists investigate “the potential impact of #StratosphericAerosolIntervention (#SAI) on the spatiotemporal behavior of large-scale climate teleconnection patterns using simulations from the CESM1 & CESM2).” 
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“The leading empirical orthogonal function of #SST anomalies indicates that #GHG forcing is accompanied by increases in variance across both the North Atlantic (i.e., AMO) & North Pacific (i.e., PDO) and a decrease over the tropical Pacific (i.e., ENSO),” researchers inferred.
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“However, #StratosphericAerosolInjection (#SAI) effectively reverses these global-warming-imposed changes.”
Read 10 tweets
May 26th 2023
1/ As #OceanCleanUp seeks to make a wave to strengthen its business model,it's important to remember that #plastic pollution is not just a waste issue,which is why a mandate was given to negotiate an agreement that covers the entire life cycle of…
2/ In one of the webinars that I visited recently to prepare for these negotiations, it was said, that there is now overwhelming evidence of health effects at every stage of #plastics lifecycle, nicely put together in the @minderoo report 👇#PlasticsTreaty… Image
3/ In addition, at every stage of its life cycle, #plastics cause #greenhouse gas emmissions, which we super-urgently need to reduce to mitigate the #climatecrisis. This study estimated that plastic caused 4.5% of global #GHG emissions. #PlasticsTreaty…
Read 10 tweets
May 11th 2023
The conversation about #SouthAfrica's looming #electricitycrisis HAS to include coal.

Here's why: 🧵🧵 Image

Our energy sector is the 🥈 highest Green House Gas emitter of all the World's Industrializing countries (the G20) 🥲🌍🥲. Coal is responsible for roughly 85% of our energy generation 🤯.


👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻… Image

Coal is becoming less #efficient 📉
Its increasing Energy Return on Investment (or EROI) means that a higher energy input is needed to generate electricity!
The exact opposite of #renewable energy☘️… 🙄🙄

👇🏻👇🏻… Image
Read 8 tweets
May 10th 2023
The conversation about #SouthAfrica's looming #electricitycrisis HAS to include coal.

Why? Let's have a look 🧵🧵🧵 Image
Our energy sector has the 🥈 highest Green House Gas emissions of any the World's Industrializing countries (the G20) 🥲🌍🥲. Coal is responsible for roughly 85% of our energy generation 🤯. #GHG

👇🏻👇🏻… Image
Coal is now less #efficient 📉
The amount of energy required to get coal to create electricity is now higher, so basically nowadays… it’s giving us back less than before!
The exact opposite of #renewables☘️…🙄🙄

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻… Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 29th 2023

"The recent review article discusses the basic operation of the marine #CarbonCycle & 2 #mCDR methods that are "thought to offer the greatest potential in terms of #CDR mass:

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Various conclusions were drawn in the review which are enlisted below:

1️⃣ "The alkalinity of the ocean creates a massive increase in the ocean’s capacity to #store #carbon, relative to a scenario without #OceanAlkalinity."
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2️⃣ "Ocean warming causes decreases in both #CO2 #solubility and the Revelle factor (B), which make the ocean less efficient at #absorbing CO2."
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Read 14 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
The Climate Change Authority of #Australia has issued a report that pinpoints #CarbonSequestration as critical to reduce emissions.

"Storing C away from the atm is integral, both to avert #GHGs from entering the atm & to #remove them from it."
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The report notes that "while conventional #CarbonAccounting is simple and economically flexible, it does not consider crucial differences between different sources and sinks of #GHG #emissions." As a result, 𝐈𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: ⬇️
1️⃣ "The Government should prioritise the development of long-lived geological and mineral #storage technologies.

2️⃣ Measures to restore CO2 released from #CarbonSinks should be reviewed and enhanced as appropriate."
Read 11 tweets
Apr 21st 2023

"A comprehensive #bioenergy accounting model with a multi-dimensional analysis was
developed in a new study based in #China by combining spatial, life-cycle, and multi-path analyses."

Summary in a 🧵 below ⬇️
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Accordingly, "the #bioenergy production potential and #GHG emission reduction for each distinct type of #biomass feedstock through different conversion pathways were estimated in the study."
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"The sum of all available organic waste (21.55EJ/yr) & energy plants on marginal land (11.77EJ/yr) in China produced 23.30EJ of #bioenergy & reduced 2535.32Mt CO2-eq emissions, accounting for 19.48% & 25.61% of China’s T energy production & C emissions in 2020, respectively."
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Apr 21st 2023
"A promising solution to nullify the net embodied #GHG emissions of civil infrastructure is the use of C-negative materials for concrete manufacturing. C-neutral coal ash & agriculture/forestry by-products, like #biochar, exhibit a high CO2 uptake potential."
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📝 A lately published paper aimed "to explore the viability of using #biochar as a #CarbonSink and to develop carbon-neutral #concrete with improved performance."
📉 Experimental findings suggest that "the optimal amount of biochar (1%) slightly improves hydration and mechanical properties, but the combination with mineral additives significantly enhances the performance."
Read 8 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
Michael Finus's project "The Governance Architecture of Climate Agreements in the Light of #SolarRadiation" analyzed "how #GeoEngineering in the form of #SRM, associated with the potential of high collateral damages, affects the governance architecture of climate agreements."
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This project "clarify under which conditions signatories to a climate agreement can avoid that non-signatories deploy risky #geoengineering."
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This study also "correct & qualify the results of Millard-Ball (2012): not only must collateral damages be above but also below a threshold so as the threat to deploy #geoengineering can stabilize a climate agreement on reducing #GHG."

Read Preprint ⬇️…
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Read 4 tweets
Oct 28th 2022
Half through sorting the #dataviz bookmarks and still haven't found the links I am looking for (the curse of over bookmarking).

But here are 10+1 super amazing, interactive, and midn-blowing🤯 #environment, #climate, #trade, #emissions related websites that are just 🤩

1/ The #WorldBank's #SDG atlas covers each #SDG goal in detail with some great datavizzes inside each of them. Check it out! Really a lot of effort went into this.
2/ @ChathamHouse brings an interactive resource website that allows you to explore bi-lateral #trade linkages. Data currently ranges from 2000-2020.
Read 13 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
IMPATTO #AMBIENTALE DELLA #PRODUZIONE #ALIMENTARE: incidenza dei settori e distribuzione geografica

Spiegazione qui:…

🔗I miei riferimenti:

#gasserra #ghg #intensivi #sostenibilità #cibo #alimenti #cambioclimatico #Salute

👉 La produzione alimentare esercita un'enorme pressione ambientale sul pianeta. Queste pressioni sono distribuite in modo disomogeneo.

👉 analisi #geospaziale che descrive #emissioni di #gas #serra, uso d'#acqua #dolce, #disturbo dell'#habitat e #inquinamento da #nutrienti del 99% della produzione di #alimenti nel 2017. Mostrata una mappa della pressione cumulativa (#impronta) della produzione alimentare.

Read 8 tweets
Oct 20th 2022
🌎🪖The #NATOSummit in Madrid marked a titanic shift in NATO’s climate-security agenda. My latest @theELN commentary will bring you up to speed on all #climate-related decisions that were agreed in Madrid.⬇️

🧵Check out the thread for highlights (1/x)…
📽️The #NATO Public Forum (the official side event of the #NATOSummit) kicked off with NATO’s first High-Level Dialogue on #Climate and #Security. This cross-sectoral dialogue is set to take place annually. (2/x)

Rewatch it here ⬇️:
@NATO released its 1st #Climate Change & #Security Impact Assessment, which calls for a "fundamental transformation of NATO's approach to #defence and #security" & adaptation of Allied equipment, training, facilities, ops, technology & partnerships. (3/x)…
Read 12 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
Our analysis of materials released by @IESO_Tweets in response to our Freedom of Information Request

1. Thirty-two Ontario municipalities, representing almost 60% of Ontario’s population, have asked @ONgov to phase-out gas-fired electricity generation. 1/

2. According to Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator’s (IESO) October 7, 2021 (misleading) report,Decarbonization and Ontario’s Electricity System, phasing-out gas power by 2030 would raise residential electricity bills by 60% [page 1].

3. In response to a Freedom of Information Request (FOI), we obtained drafts of the IESO’s report. These drafts reveal the following facts:

Read 25 tweets
Apr 11th 2022
Last week, @IPESfood published a report exploring widespread #protein claims.

The report discussed 8 claims, but media coverage focused on criticizing meat alternatives as an ineffective climate solution—a claim also pushed by #livestock groups.👇 1/10
🚫An expert panel warns that fake #meat will not save the planet, @KatyAskew1 reports via @FoodNavigator.

According to the article, the report shows that "alternative proteins aren’t necessarily the silver bullet solution they have been billed as." 2/10…
🔍According to the latest @IPCC report, cultured meat and #PlantBased alternatives to animal products "can bring substantial reduction in direct #GHG emissions from food production."

Eloise Gibson reports on the 2022 #IPCC report via @NZStuff. 3/10…
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Apr 5th 2022
The latest #IPCC report with recommendations on how to deal with #climatechange was released yesterday. Here are some highlights ⬇️ 🧵 1/20
Once again, it is a massive document, with more than 3000 pages. Part 1 was about the facts, part 2 about the impacts, this one is about answers. The main points are 👇 2/20…
📈 GHG emissions are at an all-time high, but growth has slowed down 3/20
Read 21 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
If you ever wanted to acquire #carbonoffsets, you've surely faced the question of categorization. Here is an easy taxonomy 👇 🧵
1/ Two weeks ago I highlighted the difference between carbon emission reduction and removal projects.

The idea of #CarbonReduction is to pay others to reduce emissions in your place. But your output remains in the system. One plus zero.
2/ #CarbonRemoval on the other hand scrubs carbon directly from the atmosphere. Plus one, minus one.

But technically, the #carbonmarket makes no difference. A ton is a ton.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 4th 2022
1/n 📢🧵: The @IPCC_CH launched their new report (WG2-AR6) this week, exploring the impacts of #climate risks, #adaptation & vulnerability. Here are some insights on the key takeaways for #India.🇮🇳🌏♻️
#ClimateReport #IPCC #IPCCReport
🔗Read Asia Ch. 10 ➡️ Image
2/n #India🇮🇳 is at risk of multiple #climaticrisks, many of which are accelerating in frequency & intensity. Rising temp.🌡️are likely to cause severe heat stress in summer, esp. in cities where temp.🌡️can be more than 2℃ warmer than the surroundings due to heat island effects. Image
3/n Extreme rainfall events are projected to lead to more frequent #flooding in settlements near vulnerable rivers & flood risks across the country will become more frequent & severe. Higher than 🌏 mean sea level rise for #Asia’s coasts exposes 🇮🇳’s large coastal population. Image
Read 20 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
Major companies’ #NetZero climate pledges largely fail test. 🚨 Our Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor, launched today w/ @CarbonMrktWatch, finds: Companies have an immense potential for #ClimateAction but pledges lack transparency + integrity. 🧵⤵️…
2/ Background: Companies are increasingly alert to the #climatcrisis, facing calls to take responsibility for their environmental impact. The companies assessed in the report are major multinationals contributing to roughly 5% of global #GHG emissions.
3/ The #CCRM1 shows: Climate pledges of these 25 corporations on average only commit to emissions reductions of 40%, not ❌ 100% as suggested by their #netzero and #carbonneutral pledges. Collectively, they commit to reducing only <20% of their 2.7 GtCO2e emission footprint.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
1) #HBARbarians! Let’s talk #NFTs. #NFT skeptic? 🧐Read this 🧵. NFTs go far beyond #jpeg & are the future of #Web3, “gateway” to #crypto, & will be larger than #cryptocurrencies. This aims to educate #Hedera community & raise awareness to our #HBAR #NFTartists. Wallet flex 💪👇
2) #HBARbarians who think #NFTs are a bubble or do not want to buy an #NFT. That's fine. But #NFTs are vitally important for #HBAR to appreciate in value. See #Solana ($SOL) this year? Yep, #NFTs 🤯 (1)
3) Even if you don't buy an #NFT, you can help. See a #Hedera artist whose art resonates w/ you? Simply hit "like", "RT", or "comment" something nice. It goes a long way in ushering in new #HBAR buyers & #NFTartists.
Read 30 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
1) @hedera "step function"...🧐 will #tokenize the 🌎 & shock the #cryptocurrency community via "Project Guardian" & when it goes to market, it will vacuum up more #HBAR & #DOV than you can imagine 👀

Learn how in this 🧵
Bullish on #HBAR & #DOV 🚀🌕 Image
2) The @UN has set a 2050 net zero carbon goal…

The @WhiteHouse has set a 50-52% reduction in GHG pollution by 2030.…

Many states set their own 100% clean energy goals.… ImageImage
3) These goals are ambitious. We can't just stop using fossil fuels yet. Currently renewable & clean energy sources are not abundant enough to meet our 🌎 energy demands. During this bridge from "dirty" to "clean" energy - carbon offsets, sequestration & other removal are vital. ImageImage
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Jan 12th 2022
As 2022 begins, media outlets have been reporting on #NewYearsResolutions to eat #PlantBased.

While many articles stress the scientific consensus of #AnimalAgriculture fueling the #ClimateCrisis, some coverage repeats widespread misconceptions about our #FoodSystem.👇 1/9 Image
🚫In @TheGrocer, Jeff Webster of @HunterGatherUK recommends following #Regenuary instead of @veganuary, using food from regenerative farming.

The article claims that farmed animals “can be used to stimulate the growth of grasses to sequester carbon.” 2/9…
🔍Experts question the effectiveness of #regenerative grazing.

A @oxfutureoffood study found that carbon sequestration achieved through grazing “is small, time-limited, reversible & substantially outweighed by the #GHG emissions” the animals generate. 3/9…
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Nov 16th 2021
We understand the anger against politicians at #COP26 for delivering a weak, inadequate #ClimateChange agreement. But blaming individual decision-makers ignores the fact that the system rewards failure. Here’s how we tackle that reality. 🧵 (1/15)
Here’s the problem: the profits of the #FossilFuel economy are kept largely separate from its costs. That means that countries/companies/investors who generate products and burn fuels that cause #ClimateChange pocket the profits while others pay the price. 💵 (2/15)
As a result, #FossilFuels appear profitable, and there’s massive incentive for political and economic structures to treat these industries as wealth creators. Which creates incentives for climate denial, downplaying the role of the #FossilFuel industry, etc. (3/15)
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Nov 4th 2021
Only a few days into @COP26, we’re already hearing global commitments and plans. This will all culminate in a day dedicated to the built environment next week. In the meantime, I’ll share my #COP26 thoughts in this thread.
I encourage you all to explore this wonderful virtual exhibition of the world's greenest buildings at @COP26. These projects serve as examples to all of us in the real estate and building sectors. @wef…
As I’ve said many times, @COP26 must be a turning point for the real estate industry. Buildings are responsible for 40% of carbon emissions worldwide. Action from this industry is crucial to meeting climate goals.…
Read 42 tweets
Nov 1st 2021
Long🧵on the provisions of #BuildBackBetter on all things #electricity & #grid. The act starts w/ ~3bn in loans for electric co-ops @NRECANews, incl. projects w/ #batteries. Co-ops have been very involved in @ENERGY-funded R&D & are now enabled to bring results to practice! 1/
It is funny that in my postdoc work @CMU_ECE & @NRECANews w/ @eeregov funding, we actually studied the added value of #battery to #photovoltaics for residential customers' energy cost savings:… & [1],[3], [4] here… 2/
Another ~10bn to co-ops for loans until 2031 to improve #resilience & #reliability w/ investments in #renewables & #transmission . Co-ops 'own' transmission lines & this money can motivate adjacent upgrades. Also critical that #renewables & #transmission appear together here! 3/
Read 23 tweets

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