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Dec 9th 2019
NEW: "I nearly died but was still presented with a £93,000 bill for my treatment" - Simba Mujakachi writes in @MetroUK on how the #HostileEnvironment has affected him - and many others… (thread) #JusticeForSimba #PatientsNotPassports
@MetroUK 2/
Simba had a stroke
His family were told he only had a 30% chance of survival
Simba survived the operation, which involved removing a piece of his skull, but was left paralysed on his left side

In the stroke rehabilitation unit, Simba was presented with a bill for £93,000
@MetroUK 3/
As part of the ‘#HostileEnvironment’, the Conservative govt changed the law in 2017 so that ‘ineligible migrants’ have to pay up-front for ‘non-urgent’ care.

Yet even though Simba's operation was needed to save his life, he has to pay for it.

Free at the point of need?
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