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Nov 12th 2019
#HongKong: another chaotic night throughout the city. Tear gas fills the streets of #Kowloon this evening
#HongKong: at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) students are resisting against a police siege on the campus ImageImageImageImage
#HongKong: these pictures from CUHK are crazy.

The university campus looks like Maidan ImageImageImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2019
Thread: Here’s the route for the march through areas most popular with mainland Chinese tourists in #Kowloon. Hong Kong protesters are trying to raise awareness about their causes in the mainland, where news of the movement have been strictly censored. #AntiELAB
Many wearing black heading out of Tsim Sha Tsui station.
A volunteer first aid worker has a whole first kit in his backpack and in a belt around his waist.
Read 39 tweets
Oct 2nd 2018
Pues me voy a animar como dije el otro día a hacer un proyecto 365, pero en vez de haciendo fotos, editando fotos mías antiguas, random, basadas en el mood de cada día.
La única limitación que me voy a poner, va a ser el formato 1:1... A ver lo que sale xD
I´ll say it also in English :)
I´m gonna try a photography 365 project, but instead of taking photos, processing old random photos of mine...
Only one rule: the square format.
Let´s see what I got, which will be directly affected by the mood of the day...
Read 114 tweets

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