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Oct 10th 2022
I detest this government and everything they stand for,I detest their lack of integrity, I detest their lack of honesty,I detest their lack of honour,I detest everything about their #AntiGrowthCoalition I detest their lies,I detest their obvious distane for the vunerable. #GTTO
I detest the obvious disregard for human life,I detest how they only value the rich and powerful,I detest how they openly lie to cover the lies and corruption,I detest how they supported Johnson and partygate,I detest how their supporting @trussliz @KwasiKwarteng in destroying
Our economy,I detest how they had to be bailed out by the Bank of England,I detest how they weren't concerned about old people's pension,I detest how they've broken people's mortgages,I detest most of all how they just don't care,I detest how unless your rich or a donor your not
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