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Mar 27th 2023
$DAG Nodes are the workhorse of the entire @Conste11ation HGTP ecosystem from L1 networks (dApps) to Global validation nodes.
Next few days I'll cover each different type:
L1 nodes
Hybrid nodes
Validator nodes

Today I'm going to start with L1 or dApps building on the network ๐Ÿ‘‡
๐Ÿงต1/ (L1) Nodes ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ป: A deep dive into the unique nodes within individual L1 Networks, their role, and how they contribute to the overall Hypergraph ecosystem.
#L1Nodes #DecentralizedNetwork
2/ L1 nodes are specific to their respective Networks, allowing them to support a wide range of applications and use cases. They differ from Global Validator Nodes, which focus on maintaining the global network.
#Networks #Scalability
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