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May 4th 2022
Fascinating time politically at the moment. As well as challenging times l agree. I have spoken to more #labour women in the last six months because @UKLabour discriminatory stance against women, i.e. Self ID of men to access women’s spaces. (1
These are elected members as well as ordinary members. I have had calls from ethnic women, bullied by ethnic men, white women bullied by gay/straight white men, ethnic men bullied by white/brown men etc (2
I am not a member of a political party. I am a floating voter. I have no dog in the fight apart from supporting the poors (my people). Yet they tell me stuff which is horrifying and not surprising. Stuff that would be illegal in other work places. (3
Read 13 tweets
Dec 8th 2019
Today @thetimes published a story about @UKLabour antisemitism based on access to "documents leaked from within the heart of Labour’s disciplinary machine [that] tell a different story from the party’s public line." The story is behind the paywall so I've copy pasted much of it
The confidential files give the most detailed portrait to date of Labour’s failure to stamp out rampant anti-semitism in the party. They have been passed on by whistleblowers to expose what they claim to be “Corbyn’s lies”.…
According to the files, Corbyn’s reforms to take swift action against offenders remain so controversial within the party that its own lawyers have privately warned they are ill thought through and possibly illegal. Few of the much-trumpeted changes have been enacted.
Read 23 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
Corbyn; "there are no plans whatsoever to disband MI5 or any other part of the security services" Not entirely true... #LabourLies
Abbott hosted the launch of a report in September that says

“In relation to the intelligence agencies, there should be a public process to consider what exactly their role and purpose should be in a mature democracy” #jeremyvsjohnson
The report claims “The Prevent [counter extremism] duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 should be repealed and the Prevent policy ended. We have still not seen convincing evidence for its necessity.“
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2019
Corbyn took it as a compliment that he had an unfortunate habit of talking to people ['who have unpleasant views about Israel and Jews'] and no other leader has this sort of history.

This thread takes a look at some of Corbyn's friends & people who he's defended. 1/13
Corbyn's known Ken Livingstone since 1971 and neither of them ever experienced any antisemitism in the Labour Party!

Corbyn thinks he's an anti-racist. Most people think he's an antisemite.

Ken quit Labour before he was expelled. 2
Corbyn's is also friends with Marc Wadsworth, and claims that he's a an anti-racist campaigner as well. Wadsworth is the man who abused Ruth Smeeth at the Chakrabarti report launch

Wadsworth was expelled from Labour over that incident. 3
Read 14 tweets
Nov 23rd 2019
Many remain voters might be tempted by Corbyn's claims that he will be neutral on EU/Referendum. Don't be fooled, this is what he really thinks:

'The EU project has nothing to do with workers rights, protecting the environment or raising living standards," Mr Corbyn argues.' 1/9
'It has been and will be about cutting back on wages, social services and workers' rights in order to suit big business.' 2/9
'Ultimately, for Mr Corbyn, the European Union represents a threat to democracy. The European Commission can lay down legislation with the agreement of the Council of Ministers, which then overrides national parliaments.' 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Nov 15th 2019
Why did Corbyn lie?

Due to editorials like this on the Brixton riots:

'the street fighting was excellent, but could have been (& hopefully in future will be) better organized! ...there are occasions when... insurrectionary methods become necessary.' 1/14
'The defence of a future left-wing Labour Government from right-wing military subversion (on the Chilean model) could well be a future task facing us, in which case the events of Bristol last year & Brixton this year might be seen in a more positive light.'

'Chilean model' 2/14
'On the subject of the police, some of us also prefer Ted Knight's [Corbyn was his friend & election agent in 79] courageous statements... the task, surely, is to break the Metropolitan Police Force as at present constituted' 3/14
Read 15 tweets

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